I want to access my messages, where did they go? I came on this site about 1/2 hr ago.
I came to this site to recall conversations about ancestors in my tree. I had tons of messages. Ten minutes later they were all gone, disappeared without my deleting them. Now I can't find them anywhere. What happened and where did they go?????
They were important to me. How do I get them back? It seems all my headers are gone. Can you help me retrieve them?
Best Answers
Various possibilities:
- Are you looking at the right messages? Messages for Community are different to those for Family Tree.
- May be a temporary glitch. How often have you re-tried?
- Do you have two different Family Search accounts and have logged in to the wrong one?
Failing these, it may be a problem with your computer. Worth trying the following:
- Have you turned your computer off since last trying? If not then reboot.
- Try using a different browser
- Check that your browser is up-to-date (eg. for Chrome, click on the three vertical dots on the far right, click help, click About Google Chrome)
- Clear FamilySearch cookies - go to https://www.familysearch.org/cookies
- If all of the above do not work, try clearing all of your temporary files and cookies in your browser (for Chrome this is the 3 dots again, Settings, Security & Privacy, Clear browsing data).
Hopefully one of these will solve your problem.
Please re-post if you are still stuck.
Graham Buckell
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Thank you for your assistance, I'm able to view my messages.