Hello i have a problem with my indexing can someone help me?
You can try housekeeping to solve that issue.
Reset FamilySearch cookies by going to familysearch.org/cookies Reset then see if the problem persists.
Update browser
Turn off computer, let sit a minute then turn back on.
Change browser. Often the software language will have a glitch that prevents your computer from working on Indexing with that browser. You can check back in a few days to see if your old browser works again but till then you can use another browser.
If these do not work let us know! If they take care of the problem then happy indexing!
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Could be a computer/software glitch. Did you try completely exiting the program and rebooting your computer?
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Thank you for letting us know about your issues with FamilySearch Indexing.
The correct department has been notified. Please check back over the next few days to see if you can get in to index. You will not be notified that the issue was fixed, but should be able to get back in about 48 hours.
Thank you for your interest in doing this amazing service.
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An error has occurred that may affect your ability to use this page. FamilySearch has been notified. Try Again
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An error has occurred that may affect your ability to use this page. FamilySearch has been notified. Try Again