
I was hoping there would be a group in Community where we could ask questions, have discussion and/or ask for ideas regarding the RootsTech Conferences. Is there something like this that someone can point me to? There are specific things I want ideas about and with so many offerings, I don't want to miss it or get frustrated trying to find what I'm after. Thanks
Hello, @ajellis. My name is Piper, and I'm the community manager for FamilySearch.
Unfortunately, we have not created a RootsTech category or group for 2022. I would say you can search for #rootstech in the search bar. Sort the results by "Newest" to find where other members have posted in the various groups.
You can also post your questions in this category.
I hope that helps. Others may have more helpful ideas, so keep an eye out for more responses.
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Here's a new FamilySearch blog article about navigating the site.
What kind of questions do you have?
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Thanks for the replies.
@PiperTWilson I did a search before posting here. Not sure how long it takes to create a group but I may not be the only one interested. I also am surprised a discussion forum of some sort hasn't been created and easily found.
@Amy Archibald I did poke around the site a bit which is why I was hoping for a place to get input from a bunch of people more familiar with things.
In the past, I have found it frustrating to pick a RootsTech class thinking it would cover what I wanted and it didn't so I'm hoping to prevent that this time. So since you both indicated I'm fine to post my queries here - what classes/vendors will cover the following:
~ Timelines on familysearch. Understanding how to make sure everything is included and what else might be in the works with them (ie color coded so things stand out better).
~ Life Sketch on familysearch. I've seen quite a variety on ancestor's pages and some uniformity would be nice so what was the vision for this section and how do you change what's there without ruffling feathers?
~ Ideas for home displays. More than photos and not cluttery.
~ Going beyond the individual. Topics and ways to see the bigger picture of your family/your family at-a-glance.
~ Where to find resources/people. Trade/share groups for old family tree magazines, etc.
If there was a well-known group/forum dedicated for the Conference, fs engineers, presenters and vendors could reply directly to the above.
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
You are not alone ...
Just in passing ...
As, there has been, a number, of recent posts, in this Forum, about "Relatives at RootsTech" (for 2022) ...
I recently (only, a few days ago, on 20 February) enquired, of the "Administration" of this "Community.familySearch" Forum (of which, 'Piper' is part), about whether or not, the "RootsTech" BOTH, 'Categories'; &, 'Groups', were going to be REINSTATED for 2022 [ ie. Like LAST Year (2021) ].
And, was advised; as, 'Piper' has stated, that they were not aware of any plans to reinstate either.
But, that, there MAY end up being, a FamilySearch Help, 'Category' of "Relatives at RootsTech", to assist those with "Questions', about such; but, are not planning anything separate, for the RootsTech 2022.
I know, that this certainly does not help/assist; but, I just wanted to let you know, that you are not alone.
ps: I just felt, that those "Dedicated", BOTH, 'Categories'; and, 'Groups', for RootsTech 2021, were good value.
..... But, that said, the PREVIOUS "Platform", of this "Community.familySearch" Forum, was MUCH better
..... for handling posts, when RootsTech 2021 was around, than is this CURRENT "Vanilla" Platform.
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I'm not sure about all the things you are interested in. RootsTech is not just FamilySearch. There are a lot of sessions about timelines and how to use them in various programs. I went to the RootsTech website and searched just Timeline under Sessions. There are dozens of classes that cover timelines. You will need to review each one's descriptions to see if it is what you are wanting.
There is this Help Center article that is specific to the FamilySearch timeline:
There is this Help Center article about the life sketch section in the Family Tree:
"The life sketch is a story of the person's life."
I would suggest that you there is something in a life sketch already and that you feel like you need to change, reach out to the other user who created that life sketch and share your ideas to make it a better sketch. Then work together to change it.
There are classes on life sketch/life summaries. But not anything that I can find that would specifically tell you the do or don't in using that space. It is a place for the story of a person's life. Like a short bio.
Here is a link to a session about home displays that I quickly found by doing a search for home decor:
I didn't spend much time looking at all the sessions in this search. However, this topic has been covered in family history blogs and on Pinterest for years. Along with home decor, ideas are available under family history gifts.
I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for with this next one about seeing family history at a glance beyond the individual. Are you talking about charts, stories, displays? Think about one word descriptions about what you are wanting and then search just that one word in the Sessions search.
Any of the classes could cover your next bullet point. There are tons of resources available via RootsTech classes for this as well as the nearly 100 exhibitors that will be in the Expo Hall. You will need to check out their pages when the conference starts on March 3.
Also, check out the Groups here in the FamilySearch Community -
Perhaps there is a group or groups that will meet the needs you have.
My friend Katherine Willson created an amazing directory of the family history / genealogy resources that are available via Facebook. This list is current as of last year:
Maybe what you are looking for can be found there.
I hope some of this helps you.
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Here is one more thing about Life Sketch. There is an old FamilySearch blog article about Life Sketch where the links no longer work. However, there is another blog from 7 years ago that captured one of the handouts that is referenced in the old FamilySearch blog. You may find this helpful:
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Here is a YouTube video from BYU regarding Life Sketches in FamilySearch: Simple Tips for Writing Life Sketches in Family Tree with Kathryn Grant
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@Amy Archibald Thanks for all that. I've done searches in the past and saw some of what you mentioned and will check the rest.
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Hello @ajellis,
Help for RootsTech is available directly on the RootsTech homepage. Clicking the ? in the upper right-hand corner will extend a menu for help with RootsTech via contacting them directly or the opportunity to review the RootsTech FAQ.
I'd suggest starting with the FAQ as it is fairly comprehensive. If you are unable to find the info/answer you are looking for a quick email to will get you to the RootsTech experts. Also, we will be launching a live chat feature on the RootsTech site in the coming days, I am not sure of the exact day/time this will launch. Here is a video about live chat from last year - RootsTech is planning on providing a similar (and improved upon) experience this year.
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Live chat goes live with the conference on March 3 and closes when the conference ends on March 5.
@ajellis - You will want to chat under the "Ask Us Anything" part of that feature. So if you are still struggling to find specific sessions, go to the chat on March 3rd.
This is where you will find it:
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The fun thing about RootsTech is that there are hundreds of videos to watch. The hard thing about RT is that there are hundreds of videos to watch. :)
Those are such great questions. Once RootsTech launches there will be groups on the RT site where you can talk about those things, but that is a very limited time, and there's so much more within RT than what you can consume in just a few days.
It might be fun to create a Facebook group or something (if you use Facebook) to discuss these kinds of things. I know lots of people would join it. We have a Facebook group for one specific part of RootsTech - the "Let's Do Good Together" part of it - and lots of people join it just because the title has "RootsTech" in it. But I know at the moment there are no FamilySearch employees who could moderate a general group like that.
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@Janell Vasquez Thanks for chiming in. Agree that there's too much in such a short time which is why I was hoping to get a jumpstart on getting input and ideas, etc.
I think it would be great if there were an interest survey not only for general RT planning but also if it would then have suggestions based on your answers and experience (ie beginner, advanced).
It would also be great to see a place where suggestions can be made that you know the FS employees and RT planners will actually see it (I know the Community has groups but there doesn't seem to be a designated place for this).
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The beauty of RootsTech, is that all STAYS 'On-Line'; &, available to watch, for 12 Months, until the next one.
[ So, WHATEVER, one MISSES, during RootsTech itself, one can catch-up on, at any time, latter ... ]
[ And, even, like me; if you want, watch it, AGAIN; &, Again; &, again ... ]
ps: Well, all; EXCEPT, "Relatives at RootsTech"; as, that ONLY has a SHORT "Life", due to "Privacy" ...
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On the RootsTech website - against the left side is a Feedback button. You have to select an emoji to get to the next part where you can leave feedback for whatever RootsTech thing you want to share feedback about. This will go to the RootsTech team.
Also, you can email the RootsTech team with feedback at
There is a Facebook group that some RootsTech social media influencers created to discuss all things RootsTech with anyone who is interested: