acces to ctalog
I have not been able to access the catalog for weeks!
Answer for Germany, Baden, Mannheim
Well, this is unexpected...
We can help you search literally billions of records, but we can't seem to find the page you're looking for.
FamilySearch Catalog: Familienstandsbogen, 1807-1900 › search
Mikrofilme aufgenommen von Manuskripten im Stadtarchiv Mannheim. Civil family registers for Mannheim, Baden, Germany.. Also available on microfilm. Etc.
After this I could access the page of the Familienstandsbogen. Any other register has to be researched via Google.
This goes for any place I wanted to look up. Why can't I explore the catalog any more???
Frustrated greetings
Colette (euromix)
Best Answer
I don't have a good answer. I understand that 'unexpected' message might go away sometimes if you try the previous link again or refresh the page. Luckily Google found it and you were able to get there.
The only possible explanation of which I am currently aware - FamilySearch is in the process of updating the Catalog platform - so maybe links that have problems are related to that process?
(frustrated amerimix)
"if you try the previous link": you are right, I had bookmarked the site. Have updated bookmark and it works again!
Thank you!