How do I share my FamilySearch Tree info with other family members?
HOW do I share my FamilySearch Tree info with other family members?
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Hola James G. Mooney muy buenos días gracias por consultar Comunidad de Family Search org.
He leído su pregunta y le adjunto un articulo de conocimiento que le indicará los pasos a dar..
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Providing they are signed-up to FamilySearch they can see all the detail you have added on deceased members of your family. As Family Tree is just one, open project they will not be able to see details of you or any other living family members, however. For privacy reasons only you can view living persons you have added to Family Tree. Your relatives will have to create their own "versions" of you and other living individuals, but then be able to link these to your nearest deceased, existing ancestors / relatives.
I will leave it to other participants of this forum to expand on my basic comments, including the possible use of other software.