Says the 1900 census is attached, but sources shows nothing
Nancy Elizabeth Dabney Howard L2JT-YFB profile, sources, does not show the 1900 Census attached. Yet, when I search for Nancy E. Howard in Meigs county, Tennessee in 1900 (as she is shown via's website for the 1900 census), it shows Nancy and her family with the 1900 census is already attached to a tree. So I click on the tree and it takes me right to this same Nancy L2JT-YFB. But the 1900 census is NOT attached to her.
This is the same for her children and her mother.
Can you fix this problem?
Best Answer
"16 Feb 2022 Important Update Engineers are working on a change that they expect to fix all of the 1900 US Census issues. No need to report additional examples of the problems.
Here are ways the problem manifests itself:
- You click a record hint and get a Record Removed message
- You click to view an attached source in Family Tree and get a record removed message.
- You search the census directly from the Record Collection and find 2 entries for a person--one opens correctly and the other gives a record removed message.
- Less likely, but might still be occurring: you search the census for a person and find the name in the search results. When you click to look at the record details page, the entry for a different person comes up (usually the head of household) and the household list is either missing or erroneous."
Hola @Jdoco, mucho gusto! En cuanto a,su consulta, quizás el registro esté adjunto en Ancestry, pero no en familysearch. Le dejo un artículo que explica cómo. Espero sea lo que necesita. Si no es así, por favor díganos. Gracias. Saludos.
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@Jdoco Vi con el ID el perfil y aparece el censo de 1900 adjunto.
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@Jdoco También encontré este anuncio que puede servir a su pregunta.
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@Jdoco From Nancy Elizabeth Dabney (L2JT-YFB), click Sources and you'll find that the 1900 US Census is indeed attached as a source:
Click View Source and you'll see the indexed information and you can click the small image of the census page to see the census image. Or click the link to go to the census record:
All appears to be working and attached properly for Nancy Dabney.
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This has been happening to me for the past couple of weeks. Looks like they removed all the original links to the 1900 census. Hope they fix this soon.