Where can I find a birth certificate in Cittadella Padova, Italy .
Simonetto Alfredo was born in Cittadella(Padova) on 1 september 1910. He deceased on 16 august 1990 in Cattadella, I think. I coulde fine birth certificates for Cittadella until 1909. An other part of Birth certificates is being prepared and goes on from 1911. Where can I possibly find certificates for 1910. Thanks!
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For me genealogy is a learning process also to learn how to use the computer better and also how to know /explorebetter the site of Familysearch. Hopely i can find. Thanks for the help. Gerda
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Here is a suggestion: There is a group in the FamilySearch Community for Italy Genealogy Research. At this site, click the white "Join" button and then post your question to that group.
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It is a massive file with no index but you may have luck here
1910 Cittadella Birth Supplements