Mexico records: Errors in Source

You've got a problem in the linkage between the data and the images for the dataset: Mexico, México, Civil Registration, 1861-1941, Villa del Carbón, Nacimientos 1871-1887. The link listed on the source page is
Clicking on the thumnbnail to view the image brings up page 466 of 524 in the image set. The index data down below is what I want. The problem is that image 466 is 8 pages later than the image that the data below actually comes from. Page 466 shows page 2, records 61-63 of a different book. The data in the index below page 466 is from page 16, records 45-47, which is found on page 458 of 524.
Of course, the linkage error is endemic to the dataset. The index at the bottom of page 458 is from page 9 records 22-24. The image that data goes to is 8 pages before, on 450 of 524 in the image set. And it goes on and on.
Plus, when I try to download image 458, I get a big error message on a black screen saying there is an error in the file.
Best Answer
I had no problem downloading image 458 just now. I often see the error message you mention when I've been working a while and downloading a number of images. Usually, I can return a little later and successfully download the image.
Yeah. The error cleared later and I was able to download it.
I wish you had come with the answer to the image / link disconnect. ;)