How to SHARE your FamilySearch FamilyTree with Someone Else

How to SHARE your FamilySearch FamilyTree with Someone Else
There have been various posts in the FS Community over the months concerning "How to share my family tree with someone else?"
Now in what I explain below - I am using the phrase "my family tree" in a very general sense - simply to mean "my ancestors" - especially those that I see in my default pedigree view when I log on to FamilySearch and see the tree/pedigree view.
Now as various people have rightly pointed out - FamilySearch FamilyTree is a collaborative system where we all have access to all the records (for deceased people) in the massive database of billions of people. There really is no "ownership" of records for deceased people. Anyone can view them and anyone can update such records - and generally speaking there is one record for any specific deceased person (assuming that any duplicate records have been merged as they should be)
So what is the best way for us to "share" or better said "point someone at" a specific set of family records (often the "home" pedigree view that we see by default) ?? In other words if we are looking at a specific family group or pedigree view and we want to share that "view" with someone else - how can we do it?
You may notice that as you navigate a family pedigree or visit a specific family group - that the web address ( called a "URL") on your browser changes slightly.
For example this is the URL that shows in my browser when I look at the pedigree view of my Father
of particular note are the last few characters "KWH7-N5T"
every individual in FS has a corresponding identity number to be able to uniquely identify and to access their records. That number above is the number for my father. Every single person in FS has a similar number.
So using this number - there are at least two ways that you can share a given "view" of the database that "focuses in" on this one person.
One simple way (as I have done above) is to simply copy and past the web address (URL) that is on your browser
and then copy and paste it to wherever you wish (such as in an email to the person you want to share this link with) or in some notes document where we want to keep track of this.
Another option that allows you to "point" someone else at this specific person of focus - is simply to share with them what is called the PID (Personal Identification Number) - i.e. the number that I shared above of KWH7-N5T.
Anyone who has a PID can easily look up that person in the database and go directly to that person - and focus ether on their family group - or the person's family tree.
Using this page you can do a lookup on the PID of anyone in the sytem:
So in short summary, You CAN indeed share with someone the "view" that you have of your deceased ancestors.
in fact if you are working collaboratively with others - it is almost critical that you know how to copy and paste URL's from Familysearch to other places - such as an email - or a post in Community etc.
Note that copying and pasting a URL is no more complicated than copying and pasting a string of words in a word processor. Also note there are short cut keys (of CTRL-C for copy and CNTRL-V for Paste)
there are also various videos on youtube you can watch - about things such as
copying and pasting, creating a bookmark, short cut keys, URL's and more.
It really makes things easier when people share URL's - in place of saying "I am looking at person "X" . . .
knowing the basics of copying and pasting PID's and URL's can really facilitate your collaborative work with others.
A few notable exception to the above instructions
You cannot share URL's for living persons with others - this is due to privacy issues and related to the fact that those records for living persons that you have created - only exist under YOUR account. No one else can view or access them - to ensure that confidential info for living persons is kept secure and private. The area where your records for livign persons is kept is called the "Private Space".
You cannot share URL's for FamilySearch Memories artifacts using the above instructions (using the browser url will NOT provide an address unique to the one artifact). Rather when viewing the memories item you will notice a "SHARE"
link. By selecting that item you can then choose COPY LINK - (which copies the correct URL to memory) and then you can paste it to the desired location (such as in an email or FS Post) - using the standard CTRL-V option (Paste).
Some additional Notes:
Sharing your family tree in the above examples - assumes that in most cases the person you are sharing it with will have a FamilySearch Account. Refer them to this page to create a free account.:
Understanding the "Private Space" and records for living people - click on this link
Copying and Pasting URL's - click this link
TIP: How to point people at "my family tree"
or "How to share my tree with others"
(and realize people really dont have "ownership" on family trees in Family Tree - like they do in other systems like This is a collaborative system.
check out this video to learn more about the collaborative nature:
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see the answer:
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Under your name find family groups and press that word and proceed from that point. Name the group and then send invite messages to person's you want in that family group.
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yes - that is how you can share info with a family group.
My focus was simply how to even point people at a specific family in Family Tree. . .
(see the link) I was sharing a tip - not really requesting information. but I do appreciate your feedback and yes Family Groups are nice.
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Hi Dennis,
Very helpful, thank you.
(Typo of the word livign where I expect you mean living).
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One of my pet peeves -- is when I get an email or FS Message - with someone interested in something I uploaded to Family Tree (usually FS Memories) --- and yet all so often they dont even mention the name - let alone the PID or other identifying information. of the person they are referring to -- or the web address of the page.
as FS etiquette - when you send a message out to another FS user in ref to something you saw in FS - be sure and include the URL (web address) so they can with a single click - go exactly to the place you are referencing.
Here is more information on this subject:
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also see:
Copying and Pasting URL's - click this link (SKIP the ad)
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Ive noticed that there appears to be a bug that when you do try to contact a submitter of info to FS - that it used to include a LINK in the message to what was being referenced.
BUT In recent months - this link seems to be totally missing
so that messaging a submitter of info - ends up in both people being totally confused what is being referenced.
I have had no less than like 40-50 message across the last month - of users trying to contact me about info that I uploaded - but the FS message - that would normally have the link to the person or the memory item - is missing so that both the recipient and later the sender of the message - get all confused about what is being referenced.
PLEASE fix this bug . . .
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I know this bug has been reported in the past, but I have not encountered it recently. I just checked some recent messages and the links were there and took me to the exact place being referred to in the discussion.
I just tried on Chrome (I'm using Firefox whilst writing this) and having no problem there, either.
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Just a safety measure, I try and reference the PID in the message itself.
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this was a campaign where people were shown something that I had uploaded
Probably with some comment like - take a look at this item that was recently uploaded in ref to your family
and then the people would message me about it - (apparently from the view of the item) and their message would get sent without any link to the item.
I will see if I can replicate this issue.
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I did some testing and indeed it looks like (at least under the circumstances that I tested) that it was now working.
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check out this link:
(few things more frustrating then someone trying to point you at a specific profile page or FamilySearch page - but they dont include the url link in their comments)
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Nice commentary there Dennis! Great instruction for all.
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Thank you, Dennis. PaulaAnn
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Thanks for this!
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I think only a very small number of people will be using the new family group feature. I don't have enough relatives with a FamilySearch account to bother. One 3rd cousin, one nephew, one sister of a sister in law and the husband of a half sister of an adopted relative. Those 5 people represent 4 completely unrelated families. Not a good basis from which to start a family group.