How do you stop someone from changing things on your family line?

How do you stop someone from changing things on your family line? This contributor (14th cousin on the maternal side) has gone in on my paternal side and added children if they show up on a census. Then she lists them as deceased. This has happened to multiple people.
How can I make her stop? I have sent messages to her and asked her to undo what she is doing and to stop putting people as deceased unless she has a legitimate source. What it does is make the "deceased" person available for temple ordinances. They aren't dead!
She has really messed up my family line.
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What concerns me the most about incorrect information being generated on Family Search is that this is where the names for Temple Ordinances are generated from.
If someone is listed as deceased, their ordinances are available. So if they are really alive, is that just practice for someone?
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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
You are not alone ...
Many of us have ... been there ... done that ... and, still do ...
As you will no doubt be aware ...
Technically there is no way to STOP another User/Patron working along the SAME 'Ancestral" Lines.
As, "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', is Built on a "Open Edit" Platform - hence, why any registered User/Patron can "Edit" (ie. Add, Delete; and/or, Change) ANY "Deceased" individual/person, in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch'.
Now ...
That Said ...
Do not disappear ...
There are some, actions that one can take; and, options available ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch', that somewhat addresses your problem/issue.
Here is the FIRST "Knowledge Article":
How can I prevent other people from making inaccurate changes to Family Tree?
Now ...
After that ...
As you can 'see', "Collaboration" needs to be undertaken.
But, when "Collaboration" FAILS; and, provided that there is NO "Abuse" ...
Then, there is this "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I report changes or problems made by other contributors?
that comes to the fore ...
In particularly, the last sentence in that "Knowledge Article"; which, is very IMPORTANT:
If you have questions regarding inadvertent, suspicious or potentially malicious errors in records that you are unable to resolve per the instructions above, contact FamilySearch Support.
But ...
That Said ...
Once a particular situation/circumstance, really border on that of "Abuse" ...
There is this "Knowledge Article", in 'FamilySearch':
How do I report abuse, spam, inappropriate memories, and other content?
comes to the fore.
Now ...
All That Said ...
As such ...
IF, you have undertaken "Collaboration" with the particular User/Patron in question, causing concern; and, that "Collaboration" has FAILED (eg. NO Response); and/or, there is "Abuse"; THEN, you can, either,
(1) For a "Private" communication ...
Contact 'FamilySearch' "Support" DIRECTLY via the,
(a) Telephone; and,
(b) an "Live ('On-Line') "Chat"
To keep the communication "Private", if you are directed back to this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, insist that you do not want to do so; and, prefer that the matter be handled "Privately".
(2) For a communication is "Public" view ...
'Post' HERE in "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; and, HOPEFULLY, the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] HERE in this Forum, can TAKE the MATTER directly into the workings of 'FamilySearch' "Support", to help/assist you; and, communicate with you "Privately" via/through either, ("Private") 'Messaging' in 'FamilySearch' (or, the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum); and/or, DIRECT "E-mail".
And ...
IF, you want, keep any 'Post' here, in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, to a minimum, devoid of, "Personal" Information about one's self; and, even, not providing information about any Ancestors, just a precis of the matter; and, requesting a "Private" communication directly from 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel).
Hopefully, a "Moderator" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ], here in this Forum, WILL take this matter of yours, into the Workings, of 'FamilySearch' "Support", to better assist you.
You are not alone ...
Most of us have ... been then ... done that ... still do.
Plus, it is a 'Slow' process, the whole thing often takes some time, to resolve.
Good Luck.
I know, that this certainly may not help/assist; but, I hope, that this may provide you with, some additional, insight; and, perspective.
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Short Answer (Your SECOND 'Comment'): 'No'.
The "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch', is a "Collaborative" effort, on ALL our parts.
We ALL make MISTAKES ...
NONE of us are PERFECT ...
NOT everyone (ie. User/Patron) is an "Experienced" Genealogist.
Most User/Patron, are far from that.
And, MANY Users/Patrons, are VERY "Inexperienced".
We are ALL trying ...
There are certainly pitfalls, with the basic 'nature' and 'premise', of "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', with working in a SINGLE "One" World "Tree"; and, such is not for all.
I know, that this certainly may not help/assist; but, I hope, that this may provide you with, some additional, insight; and, perspective.
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I find this kind of activity especially harmful since it's affecting your living relatives. Whenever I'm working downward in descendants/cousins I always stop attaching or adding with anyone born after about 1900.
What you can do in this situation is delete relationships, which just releases the newly created profiles out into the wild still with that census record attached. They can be reattched or merged with a living person's profile once the person has died anytime later. Only by looking closely at source attachments would anyone notice and bonus there won't be a message about Unfinished Attachments.
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@karenogdenbowden I do not understand why you stop posting information about your ancestors born after 1900. Those are the ones most richly sourced; they are the first generation to have photos of casual family events rather than studio portraits; they are the ones who live in the memories of people still alive. I don't understand abandoning their well documented lives, at least when they are well documented. One family group had a meltdown in the 1920s. Husband and children vanished with tantalizingly few traces. That whole generation of children died and took their secret with them, which has caused quite a bit of anguish and resentment among their living descendants. I have spent probably thousands of hours peeling back that onion and have uncovered a lot of information. I just don't get your philosophy of abandoning situations like that to future researchers when it is the living generation who want answers.
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Just in passing ...
By "Deleting" (ie. Removing"), the "Relationships", in the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch', one "Deletes"/"Removes" the various "Links"/"Connections", that binds us together.
One should NEVER (under ANY circumstance), "Delete" (ie. "Remove"), CORRECT, "Relationships", that exist, in the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch'; NOT even, when the "Living" ones, that are involved.
Otherwise, MANY; Many; many, of us (who are "Living"), would NOT, be able "Link"/'Connect" together.
I have, been in contact with; and, in MANY instances, met with, in person, MANY; Many; many, Users/Patrons, from ALL around the World; BECAUSE, there were "Relationships" in place, in the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch'.
As such ...
Please, DO NOT, "Delete" (ie. "Remove"), CORRECT, "Relationships", that exist, in the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch'; and, especially; NOT, the "Living" ones, that are involved.
'Thank You' in advance.
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@karenogdenbowden Perhaps I misunderstood your comment about working down. When I am working on lines that do not lead to me or any of my family members who have asked me to research their trees, I admit I probably do the same as you, unless I have specific information or photos on them. I will update records when I have photos, their names listed in documents I HAVE POSESSION OF (such as members of graduation classes). However, I will pursue lines "to the right" of ancestors, in the cousin status, when I am searching for specific information. I have done that considerable in the 20th century for several, specific family groups I am researching.
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My mother passed away, leaving behind my father and nine adult children.
My father remarried a woman with mental/emotional/behavioral issues who had four adult children of her own. They share in her behavioral issues.
My father and my siblings became victims of their strange behavior and abuse.
Now her children (in their 50's and 60's) are beginning to post things to our father's Family Search account.
When Family Search becomes a venue for continued abuse from people who are NOT descendants of a person (my father in this case), there ought to be a way to block certain contributors from interfering with our family history. Because there are no policies in place to protect victims of abuse, Family Search becomes a means for continued and ongoing abuse. It is wrong. There needs to be a change so that people can feel safe on Family Search.
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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
You CAN take action ...
I 'reiterate' was I suggested previously ...
Do not disappear ...
There are some, actions that one can take; and, options available ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch', that somewhat addresses your problem/issue.
Here is the FIRST "Knowledge Article":
How can I prevent other people from making inaccurate changes to Family Tree?
Now ...
After that ...
As you can 'see', "Collaboration" needs to be undertaken.
But, when "Collaboration" FAILS; and, provided that there is NO "Abuse" ...
Then, there is this "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I report changes or problems made by other contributors?
that comes to the fore ...
In particularly, the last sentence in that "Knowledge Article"; which, is very IMPORTANT:
If you have questions regarding inadvertent, suspicious or potentially malicious errors in records that you are unable to resolve per the instructions above, contact FamilySearch Support.
But ...
That Said ...
Once a particular situation/circumstance, really border on that of "Abuse" ...
There is this "Knowledge Article", in 'FamilySearch':
How do I report abuse, spam, inappropriate memories, and other content?
comes to the fore.
Now ...
All That Said ...
As such ...
IF, you have undertaken "Collaboration" with the particular User/Patron in question, causing concern; and, that "Collaboration" has FAILED (eg. NO Response); and/or, there is "Abuse"; THEN, you can, either,
(1) For a "Private" communication ...
Contact 'FamilySearch' "Support" DIRECTLY via the,
(a) Telephone; and,
(b) an "Live ('On-Line') "Chat"
To keep the communication "Private", if you are directed back to this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, insist that you do not want to do so; and, prefer that the matter be handled "Privately".
(2) For a communication is "Public" view ...
'Post' HERE in "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; and, HOPEFULLY, the "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ] HERE in this Forum, can TAKE the MATTER directly into the workings of 'FamilySearch' "Support", to help/assist you; and, communicate with you "Privately" via/through either, ("Private") 'Messaging' in 'FamilySearch' (or, the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum); and/or, DIRECT "E-mail".
And ...
IF, you want, keep any 'Post' here, in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, to a minimum, devoid of, "Personal" Information about one's self; and, even, not providing information about any Ancestors, just a precis of the matter; and, requesting a "Private" communication directly from 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel).
Hopefully, a "Moderator" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ], here in this Forum, WILL take this matter of yours, into the Workings, of 'FamilySearch' "Support", to better assist you.
You are not alone ...
Most of us have ... been then ... done that ... still do.
Plus, it is a 'Slow' process, the whole thing often takes some time, to resolve.
Good Luck.
I know, that this certainly may not help/assist; but, I hope, that this may provide you with, some additional, insight; and, perspective; plus, an avenue to pursue.
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When the subject of a profile is not deceased, and the contributor will not or cannot remove the profile, simply report it to FamilySearch. They can delete it.
A FamilySearch contributor is deceased, especially if other persons are using the contributors login and password, simply report it and FamilySearch staff will deactivate the login.
Being a direct descendant, or not, is beside the point.