Remove recent political events from personal time lines
I've noticed that when Historical Events are included on Time Lines they almost always include politically sensitive events. Of the dozen or so presidential inaugurations that have happened in my lifetime, only one -- Mr. Trump's -- landed on my Time Line.... as did a ballot initiative to ban **** marriage (in a state where I have never lived). That's not a political statement on my part... If Mr. Trump's impeachments or the Supreme Court decision on Roe vs. Wade had landed on my Time Line, that also wouldn't feel great. I see that I can pull historical events from my timeline altogether, but that leaves nothing on the timeline except my birth and marriage, which makes the tool less useful and not particularly interesting. In the interest of not bringing the divisive world of U.S. politics into FamilySearch, could recent political events and lawmaking on sensitive social issues simply be excluded?
There have been similar complaints recently. I am sure this is being done inadvertently, but FamilySearch should take great care over the items getting through to the Time Lines as many of these events appear to be involving politically sensitive issues.