Family Tree Search

On Family Tree Search under exact one should be able to limit search to level of cousins - like 1st, 2nd or 3rd ect - there is no way one can view over 43,000 relatives
Thank you - jGibney
I think I can relate.
When I created my FamilySearch account, my fan chart was already full for 6 generations, and all but 2 of the ancestors on the 7th generation were already in FamilySearch.
I had heard the names of many of my ancestors, but I didn't really know who they were and how I was related to them (I'm still learning 😇); so, I thought, I know, I'll "search" my family tree to find the relative I have heard about. As you described, that kind of search is really searching the entire shared tree, which has a good and useful purpose.
Adding a filter or limiting feature to the search would be helpful when you are searching for a relative who you already know is related to you.
Here's an idea: perhaps "sort by relation," so that search results who have a know relationship to you are shown first, and those who are more closely related (3rd cousin is closer than 4th cousin) are shown first?
(Related tangent: LinkedIn has a "relation" filter on people searches: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree connections.)
For me, as a new user, something like that would have been helpful.
Thanks jGibney, for sharing your idea! 🙂
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
Question: Are you referring to "Searching" in either,
(1) the "Search" (Records") Part, of 'FamilySearch'?; OR,
(2) the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch'?
Please advise.
As, they are TOTALLY separate and different things ...
Now ...
That Said ...
IF, you are referring to "Searching", for ALL your actual Ancestors, in the "Search" (Records) Part, of 'FamilySearch'; THEN, I would humbly suggest, that such is NOT possible; as, the "System" is searching the ENTIRE database, of "Records" in 'FamilySearch' for JUST the "Criteria" of the individual/person for whom you are search; where, there is NO correlation/linages.
Whereas ...
IF, you are referring to "Searching", for ALL your actual Ancestors, in the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch'; THEN, I would ALSO humbly suggest, that such is NOT possible ...
Such must be done MANUALLY; unless, one is "Watching" (oops, 'OLD School', "Following") the MAXIMUM of x4000 individuals/persons, at any given time - such is somewhat easier.
As such, is NOT as SIMPLE; as, most People think.
There are MANY "Factors" in "Play" ...
For example ...
My "Ancestral" Lines, in 'Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', are quite EXTENSIVE ...
MANY Years ago, when we COULD, actually "Download", our "Ancestral" Lines, in 'Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', I once tried ...
After, about 6 to 8 Hours; and, some 200,000 individuals; and, relationships (or, it could have been x10 times that - I just cannot remember), the "Download", just FELL OVER; DIED; FAILED ...
[ And, NOTHING, NO File, was created ... ]
And, I believe such, "Slowed" the "System" down, to a "Crawl" ...
[ Hence, I believe, that my attempted "Download", was actually KILLED, by the "Programmers" ... ]
Although, searching one's "Ancestral" Lines, would NOT be as "Resource" intensive; as, "Downloading" ...
Such, would STILL place, an unnecessary BURDEN (ie. Strain) on the "System" ...
Plus ...
That is WHY, many of the facilities, in the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch', that offered "Continuous" Lists, HAVE subsequently been CONVERTED to individual "Pages"/"Screens".
Just my thoughts.
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Question: Are you referring to "Searching" in either,
(1) the "Search" (Records") Part, of 'FamilySearch'?; OR,
(2) the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch'?
Family Tree Search