Mildred Ella Taylor
Mildred Ella Taylor seems to have 2 entries: K45M-JP1 & 96Z3-8FH. The common element is the DOD Surrey, BC sept 7. DOB is correct for day and month.
According to my Family Tree, 96Z3-8FH is correct for parents.
According to my Family Tree and BC Archives, 96Z3-8FH is correct for husband.
Is there a method of clarifying and, if this the same person, merging them?
Gerry Umbach
Thank you for your post. It appears the best answer is to merge these two individuals using their ID numbers. You will then be able to edit and correct any of the problems remaining. Make sure to put your reason for merging so others won't be tempted to unmerge.
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Mod Note: The original post has been edited to remove personally-identifying information.
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