Search Solutions Gallery • FamilySearch the Solutions Gallery for third-party products and services. These can enhance your use of Family Tree.
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@Neal L. McGregor You can see what changes were made and by whom by viewing the changelog. From the PID of James Henry McGregor, L2FT-FZG, a number of changes were in December 2021 -
Other changes were made in October 2021 and July 2021.
You can contact the person or persons who made changes by clicking on the username adjacent to the change.
The reason for the changes seem to conflict. Where are the source documents for these folks to make changes?
You'll need to ask those who made the changes.
Mod Note: One post has been edited to remove personally-identifying information.
It is frustrating when others change our trees but remember the overall purpose of Family Tree:
When you are having difficulty contacting others who have changed the tree (remember, they also believe that they are correct), try looking in Solutions Gallery. You can find other private ways to keep your tree and still enjoy the benefits of FamilySearch. Hope this helps.