Multiple Birth & order of Birth
If "Twin, Triplet or other" is blank.......and "Number in Order of birth" is blank.....but there is an entry further down that reads "Born alive and now living....1" "Born alive but now dead...0" and "Stillborn..0" Can we use that line to say it was a "Single birth" instead of blank? and that would also mean they were the first and only baby born.
Is this the Wisconsin records? If so please post your question in this group:
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@Shona Kasper, please provide a project ID and image name so you can have your question answered. Thank you.
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In case the two answers above seem conflicting, the members are offering two ways to help. One is via help here in this discussion. The second is via the group that was set up specifically for the Wisconsin indexing project.
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In either case, the birth certificate line regarding "Born alive and now living....1" "Born alive but now dead...0" and "Stillborn..0 " is not used to fill in the indexing boxes because it refers to other children in the family, not the child whose certificate is being indexed. 😎
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It seems that many counties choose not to enter anything in those fields (twin, etc) unless there is a multiple birth. They just leave it blank, so that's what you should do. You should not use the "born alive" etc lines to gather this information.
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@Janice Duszynski --- Hi and thank you -- your comment is much more precise than mine and I appreciate your input 😎