How to fix internal server error? Everytime I open the indexing tab, it shows like this
First what version of Chrome are you running? Click on 3-dot menu> Help> About Google Chrome (make sure Chrome is up-to-date)
Mine shows: Chrome is up to date Version 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (64-bit) and does not have an error when going to Indexing.
Next try clearing your browser cache/cookies:
- log out and back in - then see if you can open Web Indexing without the error.
Can you check with someone else nearby (in your same town/network) to see if they experience the same error? the reason being that perhaps FamilySearch servers might be experiencing a problem for your location?
If you click the lock icon (left of the you can see if something is being blocked?
It also looks like you have a number of extensions (fox icon, G, R, puzzle icon - in the upper right) - it would be interesting to know if there is a conflict with one of these (I don't know what those extension icons are).