duplicate person
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
You are not alone ...
It happens ...
Just in passing ...
And, just to get things started ...
[ IF, you have not already; THEN, ... ]
Can I humbly suggest; as, your "Living" Self, may have been recorded as "Deceased", by another User/Patron, that you IMMEDIATELY access that currently "Living" of yourself recorded "Deceased", go to the "Death" Record, of each; and, "Change" the 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living"; plus, add a "Reason Statement".
[ eg. "I am ACTUALLY Alive" ... ]
Such change, will NOT be IMMEDIATE; but, the action, will generate a "Matter" to 'FamilySearch' "Support", who will investigate; and, provided they agree with you (which I am sure they will), 'FamilySearch' "Support" will make that change effective (and, most likely, advise you of such) - ie. ratify; and, the "Change" will be IMPLEMENTED - it may take a day or two - depending on the 'workload'.
And, when that change of 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living", is effected, that version of yourself will DISAPPEAR from "Public" view, in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch'; and, go the "Private Spaces", of the User/Patron, who created it (ie. You).
Here is a "Knowledge Article", in 'FamilySearch':
How do I change the status from deceased to living in Family Tree?
I hope that this may help/assist, somewhat.