KwaZulu-Natal birth register does not list place of birth
I could not access your record (please try to share it again). If no place of birth is listed enter <Blank>. DO NOT enter "KwaZulu-Natal" since the name was not established until after the time period for these records (Natal is the correct province name, but should not be used unless written/typed on the form).
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Does your birth your birth record contain multiple entries in table format with headings numbered 1-13? Number 2 being "Place Where Born?" Does it list a hospital name? If there is no city after it, what is the hospital and I can probably tell you the city.
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You would only index the information that is on the image. We don't use the information from the title of the project to index place names.
The field help for birthplace says: Type the locality. You should expand abbreviations or correct misspellings when you can tell what the abbreviation stands for or what the correction should be to the spelling. Separate geographical levels of locality, from smallest to largest, with a comma. If the locality was not recorded or was written as a variation of the word "unknown," press Ctrl+B to mark this field blank.
If there is no geographic location recorded, then the field is blank. We would not determine the location by using the name of the hospital for a search, or even if we knew from experience where the hospital is located. However, it there is something like Mayors Walk Hosp, P.M.Burg listed as the birthplace, you could do a search and find out that Mayors Walk is in Pietermaritzburg and index the correct expanded abbreviation of P.M.Burg. You could also look at a list of places in South Africa, or even the narrower Kwa-Zulu Natal, that start with a P, and figure out the full name of P.M.Burg.
Once a batch is submitted, it can't be seen as a shared batch. I was also unable to open your batch. I did look at another batch in this project. If you still have the batch, perhaps check the batch code. If you submitted it, and come across another with the same question just share that batch!