incorrectly categorised location fields
I have found a number of films that have been incorrectly categorised w.r.p. to their location. Here are 3 examples, but I believe quite substantial numbers of entries per film/source have been transcribed similarly.
Name: John Squire, Digital Folder Number: 007562703 Image Number: 00154; the film relates to Bishops transcripts for Saint Andrew-the-Great’s Church, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire however the entry (and others in the film) have been entered as St Andres and the island of Guernsey - not the same place; citation: : 25 May 2021), John Squire in entry for Eliz Squire, 31 May 1664; citing Baptism, Saint Andrews, Guernsey, Cambridge University Library, England; FHL microfilm .
Name: Martha Squire, Digital Folder Number: 008095651 Image Number: 00040; the record relates to Herefordshire, a county in England; the record is a 1696 burial that is transcribed as occurring in Langlo Crossing, Queensland, Australia, Now when I did my history lessons, I am sure Capt Cook did not bring us pesky Brits to that glorious island until 100 years after the burial! Citation: "England, Herefordshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1583-1898", database, FamilySearch ( : 3 April 2021), Martha Squire, 1696.
Name: John Squire, Death or Burial Place: Trinity, Pershing, Nevada, United States; Digital Folder Number: 007561113 Image Number: 00510; Citation: England, Cambridgeshire Bishop's Transcripts, 1538-1983," database, FamilySearch ( : 14 July 2021), John Squire, 4 Mar 1664; citing Burial, Trinity, Pershing, Nevada, United States, Cambridge University Library, England; FHL microfilm . Film # 007561113 image 510 is taken from a film relating to the above 1664 burial and is tagged on the film roll as being from "Ely Holy Trinity, Cambridgeshire, England". Every other entry on the image 510 seems to have been categorised as being in Pershing the remaining entries as being in Ely. Now I think there may have been a Gremlin or naughty pair of hands at work in that transcription process. In any case Pershing Nevada, according to Wiki (I cannot say I have ever been to Nevada, nor indeed Pershing) did not emerge from your desert until around 1919.
I have attached records to family groups in the belief that the above are errors, not fundamental mistruths, but if the rolls are not correct then there will be an almighty issue brewing for others. 😉
Best Answer
@N Tychonievich Please and thank you.
@SarahSquire2 Thanks for the report. We'll report this inaccurate place standardization to the engineers for correction. Can't predict when they will get to it. Looks like the place field is not one you can edit in this collection. So, when you use it as a source, you can correct the place in the source linker and/or enter a note about the error in the index.