Why do people keep changing my tree information
I am not a decendant of John Dickinson and Francis Foote, I am a decendant of Elizabeth Howland and John Dickinson.
Mehitable Dickinson is their daughter, married to Thomas Cheshire. Someone keeps changing this information on/in my family tree. This is upsetting me terribly. I have changed it twice, this to me should not be allowed. The information is in the John Howland book #4.
Have you contacted the person doing it?
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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
You are not alone ...
I, 'hear 'what you are saying; and, I totally understand where you are coming from ...
But ...
That Said ...
Short Answer: You CANNOT.
Please let me try to explain ...
Technically, there is no way to STOP another User/Patron working along the SAME 'Ancestral" Lines.
Unfortunately, such CANNOT be prevented.
As, basically, we are all related.
Your "Ancestral" Lines, are most likely ALSO another User's/Patron's "Ancestral" Lines, in fact, probably, that of quite a few other Users/Patrons.
As an aside ...
Here an old 'standby' of mine, that I have previously proffered on occasion ...
Most new (and, some old) Users/Patrons DO NOT understand the basic 'nature' and 'premise', of "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', when they join in.
Please let me explain ...
We do not have our OWN "Tree", in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch'.
We ONLY have "Branches" (ie. Ancestral" lines), that are interconnected, in this SINGLE "One" World "Tree", for all of us, that is, "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch'.
"Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch' is NOT like 'On-Line' "Websites" (eg. "Ancestry_com"; or "MyHeritage_com"; or, the like); and/or, 'standalone' personal (computer) programmes (eg, the OLD, now no longer supported, "PAF"; or, "Ancestral Quest"; or, the like).
We DO NOT have "Private"/"Personal" 'Trees', in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', like other 'On-Line' "Websites"; and/or, 'standalone' personal (computer) programmes.
We do not even, own; or, manage; and, are NOT even responsible for, the "Deceased" individuals/persons, in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch'.
And, most importantly ...
We DO NOT even, own; or, manage; and, are NOT even responsible for, Our OWN "Deceased" Ancestors/Family/Relatives, in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch'.
"Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', is built on a "Open Edit" Platform - hence, why any "Registered" User/Patron can "Edit" (ie. Add, Delete; and/or, Change) ANY "Deceased" individual/person, in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch'.
Now ...
That Said ...
All that one can really do, is 'Monitor', our "Ancestral" Lines, for 'wayward' CHANGES, by OTHER Users/Patrons.
Nothing more, nothing less ...
We ALL make MISTAKES ...
NONE of us are Perfect ...
Plus ...
IF, you were not already aware; THEN, ...
In "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch' ...
We have the ability to "Watch" (Oops, sorry, 'old school', "Follow"), up to a MAXIMUM of x4000 individuals/persons, at any given time
Basically ...
It is a matter of "Following" our MOST important Ancestors.
Just to keep on top of any 'wayward' CHANGES.
I check, the "Changes" to those that I "Follow", on a "Daily" Basis; so that, I can keep on top of things.
More often that not, nothing needs to be done; but, at least, I have the opportunity, to be abreast of things; as, they happen/transpire/unfold.
Just my thoughts.
I know, that this certainly does not help/assist; but, I hope, that this may provide you with, some additional, insight; and, perspective.
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Hello @MariettaSchmid,
Your question about other people changing information for your ancestors is a common one. The explanation from @Brett is correct. This can be frustrating but we can try to work with others who may be making errors.
The following article from the Help Center may give you some additional ideas on what you can try:
If you scroll to the bottom of the article, you will see other links to help you follow some of the suggestions.
Best Wishes!