Make the search screen [intelligent] user-friendly again
I use MS Windows with windows, not full screen everything. This was the point of the design. You're designing everything around a full screen browser (couldn't even find how to post this at first because my browser was windowed.)
My searches are done with a windowed browser so my family tree software is also visible. My searches, as of today, have a locked 'Advanced Search' panel taking up nearly half my browser WITH NO WAY TO CLOSE IT. The X to close just disappeared as of today. I can't see enough of the returned data to select records without a lot more scrolling and waiting for page refreshes from that.
At the very least, allow me to close the Advanced Search panel like I used to do. To go further, make an effort to design your pages to resize to show more detail in a windowed browser screen. Oh, and for pages like your Suggest an Idea - PUT A SCROLL BAR ON THE BOTTOM IF ALL THE PAGE IS NOT SHOWN! As noted above, I never saw the NEW IDEA button until I happened to full-screen my browser. Had no clue of anything left of the category boxes because no scroll existed.
There is a way to make suggestions to the FamilySearch development team. There is an article in the FamilySearch Help Center that will assist you. Click on the link below and it will take you to the article.
How do I give feedback to FamilySearch?
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@KoalaKim , just a comment on your statement, "You're designing everything around a full screen browser..." From my experience this is NOT the case but the opposite is true.