Can I remove recent generations I accidentally uploaded?

I accidentally uploaded confidential family information on the youngest members of our family. Can remove those most recent generations? How do I do that?
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@19chugiak68 , Profiles of the LIVING can only be seen by the person who put them in. Only the DECEASED are show on FamilySearch Family Tree to the public. You have complete control of the LIVING you put in. Only you can delete or edit them.
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Chas, I think he's talking about an upload to Genealogies, where the situation is different.
If you discover that your uploaded file has information in it that you don't want to make public, you should delete your upload: sign in, go to Search - Genealogies, scroll down, and click the "Upload your individual tree" button. This will take you to a page with a list of what you've uploaded ( Click the trash can icon next to a file to remove it.
You can then edit the file on your computer using whatever program you used to generate it. Once you've removed all of the living people and other non-public data, you can save the file and upload it to Genealogies. The button is on the same page where you deleted the previous file.
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Julia, right you are about deleting data before hand that you don't want public, but I thought that FamilySearch -Genealogies would not upload those individuals marked as Living. I never used the Genealogies function myself so not sure on that. In any event @19chugiak68 the safer way is to exclude the Living when you create your GEDCOM
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You are CORRECT ...
When a GEDCOM File is "Uploaded", into either,
(1) Phase 1: The "Genealogies" Part, of 'FamilySearch'; and/or,
(2) If one proceeds, to Phase 2: The "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch',
"Living" individuals/persons, are (supposedly) NOT "Uploaded", from the GEDCOM File.
Well, that is according to all the, "Knowledge Articles"; and, "Research Wiki", pages/screens.
Like you, I have NEVER really tried, to "Upload", a GEDCOM File; and, for that matter, DO NOT want to try.
I would certainly try to dissuade anyone proceeding to Phase 2; whereas, Phase 1 is just fine.
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I've uploaded one file to Genealogies, but I "pruned" it heavily first, and that was back in 2018, so I no longer remember the specifics. As I recall, the system is supposed to remove living people, but this does not necessarily mean that the file will not contain any private information: different programs all interpret and implement the GEDCOM standard differently, so it's entirely possible for there to be living people in a file that FS doesn't recognize as such.