Family Search, this morning, and go to Tree, I get a Bad Gateway

When I try to get into Family Search, this morning, and go to Tree, I get a Bad Gateway. I am using Chrome and Firefox. Is this my problem, or is there a general problem this morning with Family Search.
It is not you at all.
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Some of it is up. When I search the tree for a known ancestor, it comes up in the search results and I can click it to produce the normal record. If I click "Tree" in the sub menu above the record, "Overview, Tree, Person, Recents," I get the error again. If I click "View Tree" for this ancestor, I get the error again. I think there is a menu glitch.
My recommendation if you are doing something specific to a person which will take you a while (like upload lots of memories etc) search for that person and you will be able to go to work.
Memories, sources, searching for records in the right side menu - they all work.
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Just in passing ...
'Yes' ...
There appears to be a significant Problem/Issue, accessing one's 'Pedigree', for ALL of us, all around the World
Whereas ...
It has been just fine, all of the Day, Wednesday, 22 December 2021 today, My Local 'Time' UTC +11 Hours.
But ...
That Said ...
Now, just around "Midnight" (on Wednesday) ± a few Minutes ... it has gone down ...
Internal Server Error; &/or, Bad Gateway ... in my case BOTH ...
Sounds like a Main "Server" or two, has/have gone down ...
It happens ...
Hopefully, temporarily ...
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Here is more info that makes me chuckle. In the main genealogy area (ie NOT in the community) you can click on the questionmark in the circle. In the popup choices is "Contact Us". That produces a bad gateway error too. LOLOL.
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I think they are fixing it. The main drop down to the tree works for me. The Tree link within a record does not. (502 gateway). The View Tree for a record works for me.
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All seems to be working. Thank you for your patience.
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keep getting a bad gateway when using family books library
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@PatriciaSproat, you stated that you are getting a bad gateway when using the FamilySearch Digital Library, if I understand you correctly. I have replicated this and it seems to be working fine for me. I would suggest that you clear your cookies and temp files and maybe change browsers if clearing cookies doesn't help.
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Several problems from searching in the Person, the error above is when using FamilySearch. Also, I'm in the UK and the search using Ancestry always goes to .com and site. When clicking the Feedback button I have to log back in again. Also when in the Feedback page I sent to the discussion forum and I have to search. Why doesn't the Feedback button take information from the page I was on and then you don't need to have it explained what I'm doing and where I was when the error occured. Is the cost in programming too much to do this?