Not NEDs

Report for FS personnel.
Philippines, Camarines Sur, Caceres—Registros Parroquiales, 1716–1977 [Parte B] [MMZN-[WSQ]
Batch has 8 death records. Indexer put two marriage records in but filled them with mostly blanks.
Philippines, Camarines Sur, Caceres—Registros Parroquiales, 1716–1977 [Parte B] [MMZR-RBB]
Batch has 12 very clearly written death records. Indexer marked it as NED.
Philippines, Camarines Sur, Caceres—Registros Parroquiales, 1716–1977 [Parte B] [MMZR-T8V]
Batch has 2 images, each with 10 death records. Images are somewhat hammered but still somewhat readable. Indexer marked both as NED.
I think it would be worthwhile for FS to consider a dedicated page for reporting extremely poor or vandalistic indexing. Preferably it would be within the Indexing part of the FS, so that this forum can be kept for questions about genealogy and the FamilySearch website.
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Amen to that. Already suggested it, but the wheels of FS grind exceedingly slow.
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Thank you for reporting this Jerry. We appreciate all your hard work and for letting us know.
@A van Helsdingen; this is the Indexing part of FS and at this point the only place to report these issues.
That being said:
It is always best for a reviewer to correct/finish a batch and submit it. This is the best way for an indexer who is having or creating issues to be found and helped by FamilySearch.
In order to move projects along more quickly, reviewers are encouraged to make the changes and submit the batch.
If the batch is returned, it delays completions of the project.
I hope this help clear up some of the reviewing issues questions.