How can I prove someone belongs in my family?

Ellen Devine was born in 1845 in Ireland or England, she married Patrick Whelan on the 16 July 1865. they had two children before Patrick moved to South Australia and married another woman. Ellen went to South Australia and sued her husband for bigamy. Two of the witness were Joseph Thomas Leahy ( my great grand father) and his cousin John Joseph Leahy.
My grandfather said he could prove Ellen and Patrick were married and they had their wedding breakfast in his father John's house, John's mother was Margaret Devine.
This leads me to suspect that Ellen and Margaret are related.
This is my brick wall, how do I prove it?
I would be so grateful for any leads
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
As an aside ...
I gather, that this, is the Patrick WHELAN ( 9JRM-RKZ ), to whom you refer.
[ Well, at least ONE "Version" of him ... ]
Where, there are some "Record Hints" ...
And ...
At least, these for the "Marriage", in England
England, Bristol, Non-Conformist Church Records, 1777-1936
Marriage Registration
Plus ...
I can 'see', at least, x6 Marriages, for a Patrick WHELAN, in South Australia, Australia.
SA Genealogy
( from "Downunder" )