Edit a portrait in Family Tree • FamilySearch
https://www.familysearch.org/en/help/helpcenter/article/how-do-i-edit-a-portrait-photo-in-family-treeYou can change the size of a photo and choose a different part to use as a portrait in Family Tree.
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As show in the attached screenshot, a portrait photo, when viewed in Person View has two small white sections at the right and the top of the photo fame, where there is no photo. It looks like the photo is just a tiny bit too small.
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
A lot depends on both, the "Quality"; and, the "Size", of the "Memory" ....
I certainly DO NOT, appear to experience, the "Bug", that you suggest/report ...
As ...
There is a "Slider", on the 'Left-Hand-Side', of the "Adjust Portrait" (Feature), of the "Edit Portrait" (Feature)
Where, you adjust the "Size" of the "Image"; and, even, "Move" the "Image" around, to suit ...
[ And, there is even an option to "Rotate" the "Image", if needs be ... ]
Too SMALL ...
Too LARGE ...
Just right ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles", in 'FamilySearch':
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
I really doubt this is any kind of bug. Looking at a enlarged version, it looks to me that this was done on purpose:
This woman's head is nicely centered in the middle of the frame. The size of her head looks good in the available area. It is in proportion to the frame. She has enough of her shoulders showing to not look decapitated. The work of putting this into Photoshop or similar and cloning out the edges of the photo to eliminate the those few white pixels at the risk of losing detail due to the jpeg storage process when re-saving it then uploading a nearly duplicate photo does not seem worth the effort.
I'd say this was very well done.