How to find a Batch with code?

Ok recently I was trying to answer some questions on here and the users provided the batch code to share the batchs. Now, ive always shared the batch using the copied batch link option so I have no idea what to do with these batch codes.
Ive gone to the Find Batches window and in the search area pasted the code but nothing happened. I know im doing something incorrectly but I dont know what it is. Would someone please help me understand this form of batch sharing?
Best Answer
You will find the batch code at the end of the project title. You can see them on the 'My Batches' screen and when you are in the batch. It is between [ ], for example [MM88-S29]. Of course letters and numbers are different for each batch.
To access a shared batch, go to the 'My Batches' screen, click on the wheely thingy and choose 'Open shared batch', then you can put in the code someone gave you.
@Anitahayes Thanks so much for answering my question!