Remove info from main log in page
How can I remove the names under "Recommended Tasks" menu box. See photo.
These names are added to my family tree, however, most of them have numerous duplicate records which means a huge effort to clean up the mess. One these names has 34 duplicates!
The duplicate records cause record hints to pop up and when you try to view/attach records, it shows the records is already attached to another ID. I would like to remove the ones I have reviewed and have this kind of problem. This way I can focus on adding record hints to ancestors that are not duplicates.
Thanks you.
Hm. Why not bite the bullet and merge the duplicates? That would resolve the hints once and for all, and benefit not just you but everyone else working on those ancestors and their descendants.
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HolaMike y Jan (Bohnen) Salerno, gracias por comunicarte con Comunidad, estamos muy anhelosos por ayudar en todo lo que podemos y dar respuesta a tu pregunta de ¿Cómo eliminar información de la pagina principal de inicio de sesión? al hacer clic al ladito en "l" sale la información de esas tareas, pero no se pueden eliminar y son acciones recomendadas, si no lo deseas no se adjunta o no se reserva. Así no le aparecen duplicados y para no ver tantas tareas hace clic en :
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
'Yes' ...
There is often, MUCH Work required, for that List of "Recommended Tasks", with regard to "Temple" Work.
Just is passing ...
Just in case you were not aware ...
Of course ...
One, DOES have the "Option", to "Ignore" those, that one does NOT want to work on ...
I hope that this may help/assist.
As an aside ...
I simply go though, my "Ancestral" Lines, searching for individuals/persons; where, "Temple" Work is required, rather than using that particular sub-list of "Temple" Work", under that List, of "Recommended Tasks".
That is why, I only have, the List of "Records" (ie. "Record Hints") 'highlighted', rather than "All"; &/or, "Temple"
just my thoughts.
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Thanks Brett, I did not know that option was available. I tried it out and it worked.
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( & @Janet Bohnen Salerno )
I am just glad, that what I provided, was able to help/assist.
That was what this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, was originally established for, all those Years ago ...
Users/Patrons, HELPING / ASSISTING, Users/Patrons ...
And, which has been operating, quite successfully, for a number of Years.
As an aside ...
You are not alone ...
There are, MANY; Many; many, features/functions/facilities, in "Family Tree" (and, the OTHER Parts), of 'FamilySearch', that most of us, may or are NOT even aware of.
They are NOT 'Hidden", just NOT obvious ...
I have, FOUND; &, been SHOWN (with the help of others), many over the Years, that I did not realise existed.
And, I do a LOT of "Exploring", without trying to 'Break' things.
Again, just glad I could help/assist.