Can Family Search be programed to deny access to printing an ordinance card if it is out of order?
Since the new 300 reservation rule has gone into effect, I have run into a problem. I have an extensive tree and work on it every day. When I found an ancestor who only had partial ordinances reserved and shared with the temple, I would reserve the other ordinances. This is no longer possible. To solve this, would have to keep a very long list of those who have partial reservations, and check frequently to see if they were completed, so I could reserve the rest. This seems to be an inefficient use of my time and resources. I understand that ordinances should not be performed out of order.
My solution is this: Program Family Search so that more than one person can reserve and share ordinances with the temple, so no ordinance goes undone. Then have a message that informs the patron: "This card cannot be printed until the previous ordinances have been performed and recorded." If the card can't be printed, the ordinances will not be done out of order.
I hope this is helpful. Sincerely, Carol Cash
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