I'm at a loss.
Best Answers
Here is a "Screenshot", of what transpires, when one tries to access/view those "Images" from Home ...
As an aside ...
Plus, there does not appear to be, an "Index", for those FHL Films.
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If you are unfamiliar with Family History Centres, read the FamilySearch Wiki article Introduction to LDS Family History Centers for more details.
Look at the link Find a Family History Center and FamilySearch Affiliate Libraries.
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Thank you so much. I did get so far as the blank microfilm. Then I understood I was to find a library and did, but my searching got me no where. I will do as you suggested, I have much to learn.
Welcome to the Community.FamilYsearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
Those FHL Films, have "Restrictions" (ie. as per that "Key" Icon, above the "Camera" Icon; and, in their case, can ONLY be accessed/viewed, at one of the "Family History Centres", of the Church, around the World.
Just my thoughts.
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As such ...
IF, you are unable to visit one of the "Family History Centres", of the Church, around the World; THEN, ...
Can I suggest that you my like to avail yourself of the FREE "Look-Up" Service, provided by the Family History Library (FHL), in "Temple Square", in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Here are a couple of Articles, with links to, that FREE "Look-Up" Service
'FamilySearch' "Blog"
New Library Lookup Service—For When You Can’t Visit the Family History Library
Family History Library
Family History Library Record Lookup Service
Good Luck.
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
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Maureen, thank you also, I will read it all.
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Brett, I appreciate all of your help - seriously.
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Brett and Maureen, I did submit my request, thank you both for your help, I'll start reading today and learn how to do this.
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