How can I find out where all a source is attached?

Example: KZN2-733 (Luther Pack Lamoreaux) has 10 sources attached. Looking closely at the first, the 1880 census, I can check where the source is attached for Luther and his family by clicking on "Review Attachments", but there are 50 names in the source. There's a lone Lamoreux as a boarder with the family just above Luther's. How can I check where all this source is attached?
Maybe I use too much colloquial expressions. English is my second language. (Baby is my first language.) In other words, How can I find out where a given census or other record is attached? All the places it's attached?
Best Answers
Its 'Brett'
Further to what 'Áine Ni Donnghaile' has already proffered ...
I found your lone "Boarder", that was just above Luther Pack LAMOREAUX ( KZN2-733 ) and Family ...
But, I searched in the actual Collection of the 1880, Census for the United States of America
I had to do some 'fiddling', to get the parameters just right; but, it did not take too long; and, I found them ...
Here is the result:
Which results in that URL that 'Áine Ni Donnghaile' provided:
I hope this may also help/assist, somewhat.
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'G'Day', Woody
I forgot to add, that I am "Related" to Luther Pack LAMOREAUX ( KZN2-733 ) and Family.
All-be-it, distantly ...
from "Downunder" (Australia)
The 1880 census enumeration record of M Lamoreux, line 36, is not attached to a person.
Scroll up/down the index and click on the text box icon to the left of the name to be taken to this page for "M. Lamoreux."
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Estimad@ buen día, las fuentes son informaciones de Registros existentes que sustentan un hecho ya sea bautismo, defunción, matrimonio, etc. cada archivo esta colocado el año en que ocurrió la situación. Obviamente a lado de cada Registro esta unaccartilla que indica los padres en este caso y aparece una fecha de muerte o defunción de un hijo .... como lo puedes visualizar... o revisas el registro que la información proporcionada es correcta.
Lutero Lamoreaux
mencionado en el registro de Alfred Jones Lamoreaux
Nombre:Lutero LamoreauxSexo:MasculinoEsposa:Bessie MarcumHijo:Alfred Jones LamoreauxOtras informaciones en el expediente de Alfred Jones Lamoreaux
de Virginia, certificados de defunción, 1912-1987
Nombre:Alfred Jones Lamoreaux
Tipo de evento:Muerte
Fecha del evento:21 de enero de 1965
Lugar del evento:Richmond, Chesterfield, Virginia, Estados Unidos
Fecha de Registro:26 de enero de 1965
La edad:72
Situación Militar:WW I
Fecha de nacimiento:17 julio 1892
Nombre del Padre:Lutero Lamoreaux
Nombre de la madre:Bessie Marcum
Nombre de la esposa:Agnes Beecham Lamoreaux
Sexo del cónyuge:Mujer
Número certificado:2121
Número de registro:120
Identificador de imagen de afiliado:43006_162028001249_0340-00122.j2k
Ver el documento original. El original puede contener
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Thank you. I cherish you my new friends, and the knowledge I have received, and will use it only for good!