Family Search users directed to send thankyous
Once again, apparently, at some place in Family Search, people are being directed to send thank you notes to people who have contributed on their lines and with whom they share a lineage. I thought this practice had ceased. It is a nuisance to me as a recipient.
This fills my box with notes from people I don't know. They don't know how our lines merge; nor do I. IMO, it is like telling a child s(he) has to write a thank to grandma for the underwear she sent you for Christmas.
If people are sincerely grateful for specifics and opt on their own to write a thank you or begin a discussion with a person on their line, that is welcome. But for familysearch to basically tell people they need to send a 'thank you' because someone contributed on their line really doesn't help me the recipient in any way.
Please, familysearch. STOP!
Best Answer
This is an annual campaign around this time of the year which allows users to express gratitude to the highest contributors in their part of the Family Tree. You can see the campaign here:
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
We are NOT, being DIRECTED, to send a "Thank You", those OTHER Users/Patrons who have "Contributed", to those in OUR "Ancestral" Lines.
'FamilySearch', is merely providing, us an avenue (ie. a way, a service), to give "Thanks", those OTHER Users/Patrons who have "Contributed", to those in OUR "Ancestral" Lines.
IF, you DO NOT want to avail yourself of such; THEN, you are certainly NOT required to do so.
Just simply ignore such, if you so desire.
'Yes', that is your particular perspective.
But ...
That Said ...
Your particular perspective, may certainly NOT, be shared, by many other Users/Patrons.
But, granted, your particular perspective, may certainly, be shared, by some other Users/Patrons.
Each to their own ...
Depending, on whether or not, you are referring to:
(1) Within 'FamilySearch' itself; being the "Notifications", under "Discovery";
(2) "E-mails", from 'FamilySearch' ...
Although, there DOE NOT appear to be, an "Option", in our "Settings", to "Turn OFF", the "Notifications", within 'FamilySearch' itself; and, in particular, those pertaining to the 'Category' of "Discovery", which contains that "Campaign", regarding those "Thank Contributors", ...
We certainly DO have, the "Option", in our "Settings", to "Turn OFF", such "E-mails", from 'FamilySearch' ...
Just my thoughts.
I know that certainly does not help/assist; but, I hope that this gives you some, insight; and, perspective.