Attach Books to individuals as Sources
I am not familiar with Sources as I don't use the Family Tree, but if it involves a URL for a book in the FamilySearch Digital Library, there is a URL available for the book catalog entry, and you can "derive" a URL for a particular page, which someone on the previous GetSatisfaction Forum helpfully advised.
As an example URL through the Digital Library for Indian Army List April 1921 is In case this is reformatted the last part after family is /library/books/records/item/286965-indian-army-list-april-1921. If you want to link to a particular page, say page 161, the end format is /library/books/records/item/286965-indian-army-list-april-1921?viewer=1&page=161
For books in other digital libraries, if there is an online reader, it is usually possible to have copy the URL for a particular page.
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My previous post disappeared @Mark McLemore (I thought this problem had been fixed)
This is an abbreviated version of what I had written
If you are looking for a URL for a book in the FamilySearch Digital Library the whole book URL is If you are looking for a URL for a particular page, say page 161, add extra to the end as follows
This method was advised on the previous GetSatisfaction Forum.