Option to submit a request for indexed data correction
Best Answer
@yvythom42 The Saint Kitts and Nevis, Civil Registratin, 1859-1932 record collection is an index-only collection. That is the reason that editing the index is not available. Users need to be able to view the original image and highlight the evidence of the indexing error before FamilySearch permits editing. Meanwhile, we encourage you to still use the information you find there as sources for your ancestors. You can note the errors you find when you attach the records as Family Tree sources.
Las correcciones a los Registros Sugeridos por Familysearch.. Cuando no aparece "Editar" en el campo a corregir.. El invitado debe tener mucha paciencia, porque solo aparecerá como habilitado cuando el sistema lo actualice .Se aconseja, lo revise de vez en cuando, el tiempo es relativo.