Improve batch assignment
I'm working on the Saône-et-Loire indexing. I don't think very many other people are. There are two things driving me nuts.
1) I'm assigned totally random pages - anywhere from 1680-1825. Indexing from within the same decade would be hugely helpful for efficiency of reading the style of the entry. This is especially a problem for the Revolutionary Calendar which requires me to use a date calculator to figure out each entry. I never know in advance what I'm going to get and it is really frustrating and inefficient. Just give me a few pages at once! Most of these registers would only have a few pages for year. I'd actually feel some sense of achievement if I could just index that whole year.
2)I know for a fact that I am re-indexing the same pages twice and it is driving me nuts. (not getting a partially indexed record to complete -- I fully indexed something, submitted it, and then two days later get exactly the same page, blank, to do). I assume this is a feature meant to make it so two different sets of eyes hit the documents to improve accuracy. But apparently the system isn't designed to work with a tiny number of indexers. It doesn't distinguish WHO is getting these batches. The assumption is just that with a lot of different indexers odds are you won't get the same one. But it just feels like I am having to index every single thing twice before the little percentage thing moves. And it feels like a huge waste of my time, and is not improving accuracy.