Any way to unrestrict a restricted upload?

I have been uploading screen shots of pages from a fascinating book I inherited. Business transactions from 1831-Civil War are in it with all kinds of genealogical detail, then parts of the book were repurposed into a scrapbook of newspaper clippings from 1870-1890s which are biographical in nature. Again, amazing genealogy here. I uploaded an image of a newspaper clipping today which got restricted by FamilySearch. The quality of the print is not very good and I'm guessing that is the reason for the restriction - the auto readers couldn't interpret the print. But there is also a description of something which got built on a river - and beavers build them too. Curious, I typed up the article, printed it to a pdf file, and it uploaded without any issue. So the thing beavers and engineers to do rivers wasn't the problem.
Is there a process to request a second look at the image and to get it unrestricted?
Best Answer
If you have received an email from FamilySearch saying that the images are restricted, reply to the email asking for a review. Usually, the record will be unrestricted, once it is reviewed by a person instead of a computer algorithm.
Hi, please check your book at the front pages and see if it is copyrighted, this could be the problem.
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This is not a published book. It is a hand written business ledger of transactions from 1831 to the civil war. If you want to see what I have done so far, here is a link to the gallery. It has photos of what the book looks like.
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@Áine Ni Donnghaile Thank you! Yes, that is just what happened and I did answer the email. Thank you all!