Old and new technical problems with the Community platform

Hello Support,
I want to make you aware of technical problems that I've had with the Community platform. These problems happened this year before the upgrade on November 1st and after the upgrade. The technical problems occurred when I was on the German Genealogy Research Group.
The first technical problem occurred on September 20th when several previous comments on my posts by one of the Community Translators suddenly went missing. The comments (i.e. answers to my questions) were made from July 12 to September 1st and included several German to English translations that I had requested on 11 different posts. On the day that the comments went missing, I think that I clicked to leave a comment to an answer and very suddenly the screen changed and went blank. I think it was a bug in the system that had caused it. All of those missing translations and answers to my questions are for my German research log and I want to be able to refer back to them and add information to the FamilySearch Tree. Can you please look into this problem and restore those translations and comments to my Discussions page.
The second technical problem happened this week when I had trouble with a Draft that I created. When I tried to post it, I got a "Permission Problem" screen and the Draft was missing.
Thank you for your help!
Debra Palmer
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
But, have been participating in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, for a number of Years ...
Including the various 'iterations' of the of late (ie. LAST Year; and THIS Year) ...
The FIRST Part (ie. Problem/Issue) of what you have Reported, was no so long ago, already raised/reported ...
[ ie. Especially, in that "Germany Genealogy Research", by 'Robert'; and, others, in a number of posts ... ]
I am just not aware of the 'outcome' ...
Whereas ...
That SECOND Part (ie. Problem/Issue) is something that I have noticed of late; but, not with the "Saving" of a "Draft"; and, return to such to post, in a "Group"; and, the WHOLE thing "Disappearing" ...
In my case, it was with ('Private') 'Messages', in this "Community.Familysearch" Forum, that I was writing/preparing ... ALL of a SUDDEN ... in mid steam ... the WHOLE 'Message' ... GONE ... WITHOUT a trace ... and, NOT even a "Copy" in "Drafts" ...
In may case, I have attributed such, to those INFERNAL "Notifications" (of current/recent posts), that NOW appear in the 'Bottom' 'Right-Hand-Corner', of the page/screen, that literally, all of a sudden, obliterate, the ('Private') 'Message', that one is working on, in mid stream; and, when you "Press" a "Key" on your "Keyboard"; and/or, move, your "Mouse", you inadvertently, select the INFERNAL "Notification", instead of the ('Private') 'Messages' that you are working on - where your WHOLE 'Message', disappears, without a trace; and, not part of such "Saved" in "Drafts" .
But ...
That Said ...
To some degree, the same thing has happened to me in the process, of working in a post ...
Whereas, in such cases, I ONLY lose, the last part of my 'Comment'/'Post'; as, the majority of such, is "Saved", in an OLDER Version, of the "Draft".
Furthermore ...
I raised the matter of these INFERNAL "Notifications" (of current/recent posts) NOW appearing in the 'Bottom' 'Right-Hand-Corner' of the page/screen, in a post, to the "Administration", of this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
As such ...
As, a matter of, course; and, follow-up ...
I am "Mentioning", the "Administration", of this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, in this post of yours; so that, they can be abreast, of the WHOLE matter, of these apparently CONNECTED problems/issues.
ps: Attention: Administration, "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ... @Mark McLemore ( FTY )
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@Debra Palmer01 We appreciate your valuable contributions to Family Search, and have submitted this issue for review.