110 year
Mariette Barbara Desmedt LVK4-21X was born in 1909, getting the message Permission Required This person was born within the last 110 years. Permission from a close relative is required to perform these ordinances. Can not request for doing temple work, when she was born over110 years ago.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
Joining in; because, ...
I am related to Mariette Barbara DESMEDT ( LVK4-21X ) ...
And, I am actually related to Edward Dan CARR ( KGCH-LLF ), her SECOND Spouse / Husband ...
As an aside ...
Just in case you were not aware ...
ONE of the REASONS that "Permission is Required" for the "Sealing to Spouse" of:
Mariette Barbara DESMEDT ( LVK4-21X ); and,
Edward Dan CARR ( KGCH-LLF ),
is because, that for Edward Dan CARR ( KGCH-LLF ), there is LESS than 110 Years, since his "Birth".
Hence, WHY you may NOT be able to "Request", that "Sealing to Spouse"; as, the 110 Year Policy applies.
Whereas ...
The BOTH, the "Sealing to Parents"; and, "Sealing to Spouse" [ ie. to FIRST Spouse/Husband] are available.
Just so that you are aware ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
What is the 110-year policy, and why was it initiated?
Do I need permission from the closest living relative to do temple ordinances?
How do I request ordinances for an ancestor who was born in the last 110 years?
I cannot find any close living relatives to grant permission for ordinances
Family Tree says I need permission to reserve ordinances. The 110-year policy does not apply.
I hope that this may help. somewhat.