Profile Activity?

In my profile there is a text box down below thats labeled, Activity. What is it there for? What should I put in it?
Also on the side of our profiles above badges theres the list of links,
Activity, Notifications, Moderation, Inbox, Discussions, Comments.
Activity is also listed here, so is this connected with that text box? Also, what is a moderation? I am not a mod, so why do I have this?
Thanks for your help everyone :)
Best Answer
Since no one has answered yet, I'll give you my assumptions from looking at the page. All the links listed under your icon:
take you to different parts of your account page. Activity takes to the your activity page, Notifications takes you to a page showing a list of your notifications, etc. The Moderation page has information for moderators about their role (I am not one but asked someone that is to take a look at that page for me.)
Parts of these account pages are public by default (they can be set to private) so other users can click on you and see what you have been up to or message you from this page:
But back to the Activity page, under the comment box, is a list of recent activity such as earning a badge or changing a profile picture. Each activity has a comment link that anyone can use to comment on a specific activity. I would assume that the large box you are referring to, is to add your own activity to the activity list such as "spent the day at my FHL." From the looks of the page, it appears that anyone can use the box to add an activity to your activity list such as "Enjoyed having lunch with you today!"
This appears to be a way to add more community fellowship to the Community here.
@Gordon Collett Thank you so much that was very helpful and answered everything !👍️👍️😃