Use of "Do"
Hello Laura,
You got the famous ditto mark or word, here is a rule for the Ditto marks or words:
If a record has a ditto mark or other sign of repetition, type the corresponding information from the previous record or field.
Do not index the word "ditto" or the ditto mark itself. Other signs of repetition may include the abbreviation "Do" or a vertical or horizontal line.
Sometimes you will have to depend on contextual information to determine whether a mark indicates repeated information from an earlier record or field, or whether it means something else, such as that no information was given for that record or field.
- On the other hand look at the Project Instructions on What to remember about this project: look for instruction on Indexing each unique name,
- Index each unique name. Some names may be duplicated. When names are exact duplicates, index only the first instance of the name listed. Skip the other exact duplicates and then index the next unique name. When the middle initials or the given names or surnames are spelled differently, please index these unique names.
It means that if you have word Dito or a mark that means ditto- but you also have the rule to index each unique name then disregard the Ditto and index the following unique name. You may want to post your share batch code for further help.
Thank you for indexing these records.