a Suggestion for you

It would be useful if the search page for an ancestor had a facility to add alternative information when the information you give is obviously wrong. I am looking at the 1891 census for Norah Bradford age 6 in Herefordshire. You say she came from Llandinabo but the 1891 census actually says she came from Bishops Froom. I do have her GRO cert and it is Bishops Frome.
Best Answers
I understand what you are trying to do ...
[ Been there ... done that ... and, on occasion ... still do ... ]
But ...
That Said ...
The "Source" (including: "Index"), in 'FamilySearch', is NOT actually WRONG.
You CANNOT 'criticise' the Record (nor, "Index") in 'FamilySearch'.
In the "Index", the 'Census Place" is recorded; as, Llandinabo, Herefordshire, England
[ Which is the Civil Parish ... ]
Whereas ...
In the actual "Image", ALL the "Details" appears; as,
▬ Civil Parish: Llandinabo (or, the like);
▬ Parliamentary Division: South Herefordshire;
▬ Ecclesiastical Parish: Llanwarne (or, the like)
And, 'Yes', you are correct, there is NO, "Town"; or, "Village"; or, "Hamlet", is recorded ...
'FamilySearch' just provides a WAY, of HOPEFULLY, "Finding" a "Record" - that is all.
NOT "Everything", can be recorded in the "Index", for searching/interrogation purposes.
[ One has to 'draw the line', somewhere ... ]
Personally ...
IF, it were me; THEN, I would be just so thankful, that I even found, that Record for the "1891, Census of England and Wales".
As you will well know, there are, MANY; Many, many, records that need to be obtained/collected, to ascertain the POSSIBLE situations/circumstances of the PAST ...
I am ALSO sorry, to labour a point ...
But, 'FamilySearch', is NOT at fault.
Just my thoughts.
ps: You can add, ANYTHING you like, in the "Search" parameters, in 'FamilySearch', you are NOT limited, to 'Known' dates/places, of the individual/person, for whom you are searching.
pps: Quite often, I 'jig' things around, doing some experimenting; which, more often than not pays dividends.
......... [ ie. Gets Results, sometimes, unexpected ones ... ]
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I am sorry ...
I just DO NOT know how to placate/pacify you, any more ...
"Indexing" of a Record is NOT a PERFECT 'Science' ...
The "Index" MAY certainly not be EXACLTY; as, one HOPES or WANTS ...
MISTAKES are made; and, sometimes, the "Event Place" is misindexed, after the original "Indexing", through a "System" Error (or, 'oversight').
I believe, that the "Image" of the "Record" I 'see', is EXACTLY, what you 'see' ...
And ...
As an aside ...
That "Source" in 'FamilySearch', COMES FROM (ie. IS THROUGH), "FindMyPast.co.uk" [ FindMyPast.com ] ...
So ...
That Said ...
To be honest, I am NOT even sure, who did the actual "Indexing", for that particular "Record" (ie. 'FamilySearch'; or, "FindMyPast.co.uk" [ FindMyPast.com ]).
Now ...
That Said ...
I humbly suggest, if you have a problem/issue, that you may wish to consider, taking the matter of the actual "Indexing" of that particular "Record", up with "FindMyPast.co.uk" [FindMyPast.com].
Although, personally, I still DO NOT 'see' a really problem/issue with that "Indexing".
[ As, regardless, you found the "Record" - personally, I would just be thankful for such ... ]
As we ALL know ... the "Records" ... DO NOT tell the WHOLE or ACTUAL "Story" ... they ONLY give us a 'guide' ...
And, the "Records", are only as good; as, those making them; and/or, those reporting (ie. Informant) in them.
I am in no doubt, that there are 'untruths' told/made; even (well, especially), in/on "Official" [ BOTH, Government; and, non-government (eg. Church) ] Documents/Records.
In many cases well will NEVER know the Whole/Actual "Story", we can ONLY piece together, what we can ...
Much is left, to ponder and surmise ...
Also ...
I have been researching my lot for well over x50 Years, since I was a Child; and, while we travelled the World, for 2½ Years recently, some (actually, quite a lot) of our time, what spent "Researching" our Genealogy/Family History, in MANY of the Countries/Unions we visited - is various ("Dusty"), Record Offices; Archives; Cemeteries; Churches; ETC.
[ And, a lot of that was in, England; Wales; Scotland; Northern Ireland; Ireland; and, parts of Europe ... ]
Plus, we actually got to meet up with, "Living" Relatives (and, some Extended ones) and Descendants, of our Family and Ancestors - many of whom, we contacted, beforehand, through 'FamilySearch' or "Ancestry_com"; or, with Family that came over, while we we Travelling; and, even some, we 'bumped into', by pure happenstance, when we were at Church, on a Sunday, while Travelling.
We learn a lot from them - much of which, CANNOT, be obtained in/through the "Records" ...
Believe me ... I understand what it is like try to piece it all together ...
Been there ... done that ... and, still do ...
I find that I learn something NEW just about each and every day ...
The MORE I research ... the MOTRE I find ... and, then, the MORE 'Questions" that arise ...
I know that we will NEVER know EVERYTING (ie. the FULL "Story") ... we can ONLY do what we can ...
I really wish you all the best.
Good Luck.
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
I must be missing something ...
Just 'looking' at the Records, in "FamilySearch' ...
Please take a 'look' at that particular "Source"; being, an "Index" (and, the associated "Image"), again ...
Norah BRADFORD ... Aged 6 ... Adopted Daughter (Relationship to Head)
The information, that has been "Indexed" in NOT wrong.
Birth Place: Herefordshire, England
[ Whereas, on the "Image" = Hereford, Bishops Froom ]
Census Place: Llandinabo, Herefordshire, England
[ Whereas, on the "Image" = Civil Parish: Llandinabo (or, the like); Parliamentary Division: South Herefordshire; Ecclesiastical Parish: Llanwarne (or, the like) ]
And ...
Furthermore ...
There is TWO (x2) "Bishop's Frome", one in Herefordshire; and, one in Worcestershire
And ...
In fact, the "Registration District", in the 'On-Line' Search facility, of the 'Civil Registration' for "Birth", of the 'General Registry Office' ( GRO ) of 'England and Wales', is ACTUALLY "Bromyard"; which, spans the boundaries of the counties of (both) Herefordshire and Worcestershire.
I really do not 'see' a REAL problem/issue with the "Index" of that particular Record.
Just my thoughts.
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Thanks for your reply. The 1891 census I have is for the civil and ecclesiastical parish of Llanwarne although I know Llandinabo is a hamlet by Llanwarne the census does not mention this hamlet. I read the link you incl. but I don't see where the Llandinabo comes from unless it is from her baptism record, which I dont haave. I do have her GRO birth certificate: Born Halmonde Froome, Bishop's Frome in the counties of Hereford and Worcester. I am sorry to labour the point but I am doing some extensive research on the Green family. The Norah Bradford age 6 said to be the step daughter of Stephen Green, I believe should be Step granddaughter. I think there was a bit of covering up an unfortunate pregnancy. Norah Bradford's mother was Myra Anne Green and in the census she is a visitor two doors away. In 1886 Myra Green was before the magistrate at Hereford Assizes for "trying to conceal the birth of her child". So you see I am trying to find the parish Norah was baptised to see if the vicar had put in any "extras"
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Hello Brett its me again. I am still not happy regarding the baptism/birth that LDS give for Norah Bradford. I like to deal wherever possible with the prime document and the GRO certificate has her born at Bishops Frome in 1884. I note that the LDS website has her born at Llandinabo and states that this is from the 1891 census. I have the actual page of this census: Herefordshire/Llanwarne /ED 10/page 2 and Norah lives at Catch Corner Cottage, Llanwarne and (it says) born at Hereford Bishop Froom. So, on that basis I still think there is an error, so I would like to know the prime document that LDS used to say the 1891 census says she was born at Llandinabo. I have checked Llandinabo church records using the IGI and no baptism.
Please don’t think I am knocking the LDS. I have always been tremendously grateful for the IGI and would not have progressed so far without them in the days before computers, (I have been researching my lot for 40 years). This part of my family is really interesting and could be a plot from a Thomas Hardy novel. I believe the poor mother was left with a child and just a promise of marriage but no more.
regards Huw Blake