Need assistance adding an mp3 audio file to a READ ONLY Record

who can help me add an audio file to a READ ONLY RECORD in Family Tree
specifically this record:
John Farnham Boynton
20 September 1811 – 20 October 1890
• KWJR-T29
Its 'Brett'.
That is an individual/person to whom I am "Related" ...
A "Ready-Only" Person ...
As such ...
Someone from 'FamilySearch', will have to attach, that "Audio File", on your behalf.
Here is a procedure, that another User/Patron, was given by 'FamilySearch', some time ago.
They proffered the procedure here, in the "Community,FamilySearch" Forum, regarding a "Read-Only" Person
[ I have just, redacted 'Old" URLs, to "Knowledge Articles", in 'FamilySearch'; as, they are no longer valid. ]
It still should be possible, to use that procedure/method.
You know the "Drill" ...
Hopefully, a "Moderator" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ], here in this Forum, will find this post of yours, here in this 'Category' of "General Questions", communicate with you through a "Private" 'Message'; and, take this matter, into the Workings of 'FamilySearch' "Support", to better assist you; and, action what you require.
Here is the "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
What are read-only records in Family Tree?
Which NOT only, can be used for REPORTING, an ERROR, in a "Ready-Only" Person; but, also for:
Requesting, the likes of; but, not limited to:
▬ "Changes" to
▬ Attaching "Sources" to
▬ Adding "Memories" to
and, the like.
I hope this helps. somewhat.
ps: Can you also please ask them to deal with (ie. Attach or not) those THREE (x3) "Record Hints" - Thanks
Attention: Moderator @CJTobler (FYI); or, like Moderator.
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Thanks Brett
Yes - I am fully aware that it takes a FS employee assistance.
I used to accomplish this with a FEEDBACK/ CASE option - and it was almost always handled expeditiously
we will see how quickly it gets handled in this new world.
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I am happy to forward your request about adding an audio file to the read-only record of John Farnham Boynton KWJR-T29 to the proper specialty team who can assist you. They will contact you either in the Community or by email when you concern has been addressed.
Thank you for posting your concern in the Community. We look forward to assisting you.
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You may need to wait a while, as the specialty teams take cases in order received, and we understand they are swamped. They will contact you as soon as they get to your concern. We ask for patience.
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under the old system - it would usually take just a day or so. . . .
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Thank you for your comment @Dennis J Yancey about how cases regarding adding information to Read Only records has been handled in the past. I am surprised that you have been able to have this type of issue resolved in just a day or two "under the old system" since the Team that handles these requests is often backlogged because of the additional investigation and permissions which are required when trying to edit records of early Church leaders and other famous individuals.
@Family Bible, you ticket is being processed. Thank you for your patience until you are contacted directly. While we understand your desire to add your audio file, we also understand that this is an issue that involves editing the record of an early Church leader. We hope you receive information about your request soon.
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I have done this on a pretty regular basis (under the old system)
for example I have submitted Family Bible records for most of the US presidents
it usually got resolved in like 3-5 days. and immediately upon submission I had a case number I could refer to . ( a "day or two" may have been a little under the reality) - - but it definitely didnt take weeks - and I had a specific case number from the getgo - and clear contact I could reach out to. In this current world - its like everyone just gets put in limbo.