Automatic Toner Replacement Shipped to wrong address

The toner was automatically ordered and worked great but the address it shipped to was of an old FHC Director who has since moved, we were able to get the toner but we want to know where to change the address so that the next time it orders it goes to the current directors house.
Please have the Director call the Family Search Support number so they can be registered as the lead. 1-866-406-1830
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ...
[ Plus, I have been a Staff member (& more) of "Family History Centres" of the Church, for a many Years ... ]
The best place, to "Update"/"Correct", ALL, the "Addresses" [ie. as there are often a couple, possibly including that of OLD 'Directors'], for a "Family History Centre", of the the "Church Directory of Organisation and Leaders" (CDoL).
The "Stake(/District), Temple and Family History, Consultant -- Family History Centre" (ie. formerly: 'Director') should (well, is supposed to) have access to such.
IF, the "Stake(/District), Temple and Family History, Consultant -- Family History Centre" DOES NOT have such access; THEN, someone in either, the Stake(/District) Presidency (including: the Clerk or Assistant Clerks); or, the "High Council", WILL have access; and, the ability, to do such.
I know, as I had to "Update" much, a couple of Years ago, for our Local "Family History Centre", in CDoL; as, it was so far 'out-of-date'.
You will be amazed, at what needs correcting/updating, if such has not been done for many Years.
[ Been there ... done that ... ]
I will (Private) 'Message' you with the URL for CDoL.
I hope this helps.