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I recorded several stories of my deceased father-in-law on the Memories App on my phone about 3 years ago. Seems like it was a green colored screen with different boxes and I could click to pull up what I recorded. Now when I open that app, it shows Memories I've added in the last year or so and nothing before and the format is totally different. I can't find the recordings of my father-in-law. They're not in his Memories on family search either. I don't remember downloading them to Family Search and maybe wasn't sure 3 years ago that I needed to do that? I don't remember. I just know they're gone on the Memories app. When did the format change?
Dale Paul Glade LFJJ-QGM
Hello, I hope this helps you. I have searched your problem and this is the closest I could find.
Best Wishes Sister Dawson