Batch - {M3ZK - 46H} United States - Enlisted and Officer Muster Rolls and Rosters, 1916-1939 [Part
I have been reviewing batches from this project and come across this batch. The person who indexed this batch went back to a different form before this Roster and used the initial date of that roster as the date of the Muster Rolls including the second sheet which I am reviewing. I have not resorted to using a different muster form to date a roster following. I have used a previous sheet of the roster to get a date. I'm needing an answer if this is a proper dating method and if these 114 names that I am reviewing should use this date. Please respond if you can.
Best Answer
Hi John
I would only use a prior page of the SAME Muster Roll or Roster to date the batch image Roll or Roster. I would ensure continuity from that prior page to the batch page (using page numbering, alphabetization - some pattern). So, no I would not go to a totally different prior form for a date. There is no guarantee that there is any relationship between the two.
Unfortunately, anyone looking at your batch in Share Batch cannot see the reference images, and so cannot be "fully informed" and give you the best advice. Family Search needs to fix this deficiency ASAP. It really hinders the flow of accurate information.
Thanks so much for your answer. I feel more comfortable with your instructions than just going to previous entry no matter what or when it is for the date.
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You're welcome, John. That first page could be one or two pages back, but sometimes your page is part of such a long Roll or Roster that you never find the first page within the five previous reference images provided.