Recent changes make this site absolutely useless

It used to be functional and relatively easy to use so very useful. Now not worth wasting time trying to use it
Useless I wouldn't say. But certainly not like the original familysearch website. And you got rid of my ancestral file which took me weeks to put on your computers at your headquarters in London in 1995/6 with the wonderful help of Sister Spencer. I took along hundreds of my GRO bmds. And she would type the information in to the computer.
Also I took all my family christening, marriages, burials, parish registers phot-copies. And Sister Spencer typed the information onto the computer. It took days and weeks to finish.
And a year later my family history appeared on Ancestral File on the internet.
I feel now that all that work was a complete waste of time.
Sister Spencer's time. My time, my journeys up to your headquarters in London.
John Dedman, Royal Borough of Greenwich, London.
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Have you tried to get to these records by way of the Genealogies section of FamilySearch?
Go to the page at if you haven't and you might be pleasantly surprised to find your file is still there.
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I agree. This brilliant databse which I have used for decades now no longer produces competent search results. Please FS just restore the old version while the new one is fixed.
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I think everything is still there. It is so difficult to find now, though. All the pages are changed. Census from 1841 to 1911. Terrible.
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It was all sooo easy once upon a time to use Familysearch. The wonderful 1881 census where you could go from door to next door ....along the the street.
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As for Ancestral file. It is still out there. But it has taken me a few years to locate the webpage ahh ahhh ahhhhhh. I eventually came across it a few days ago, found my father, mother, uncles, aunts, etc, etc, etc,
I went to the Church Of Latter Day Saints Headquarters up at Hyde Park Corner London every day with my carrier bags of bmds, parish photo-copies and Sister Spencer would bash away and put all my family research information on my ancestral file. on her computer. that was 1995. Then I found out that my Ancestral File was on the internet. But no more. Anyway, not in the customer friendly form.
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The FS search facility still fails to deliver. I am amazed at the slience of FS on the global crircism of the new site. What for decades was the best rescource for genealogy is now reduced to irrelevance. Reminds me of Blackberry phones. What a tradgedy.
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I need to delete an entry on the genealogies site. how do i do this?
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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Provided, that you yourself, "Uploaded", the GEDCOM File ...
Just quickly ...
▬ TOP Line Menu;
▬ select "Search";
▬ on the 'Drop Down' menu select "Genealogies";
▬ on the page/screen that appears; then, go to the 'Bottom' of that page/screen,
.... to that "Link" at the bottom, "Upload Your Individual Tree", select that; and,
▬ on the next page/screen that appears, on the bottom half, under "My Uploaded Trees".
.... you can find the GEDCOM Files, that you have "Uploaded"; which, if you desire, you can "Delete".
In sequence, with the URLs ...
From the Main "Landing"/"Home" page/screen ...
Select "Search"; on the 'Drop Down' menu select "Genealogies" ...
On the page/screen that appears; then, go to the 'Bottom' of that page/screen, to that "Link" at the bottom, "Upload Your Individual Tree", select that; and,
On the next page/screen that appears, on the bottom half, under "My Uploaded Trees", you can find the GEDCOM Files, that you have "Uploaded"; which, if you desire, you can "Delete".
Good Luck.
Whereas ...
IF, you DID NOT, "Upload", the GEDCOM File, to the "Genealogies" Part, of 'FamilySearch'; THEN, you CANNOT "Delete" (ie. "Remove"), such GEDCOM File.
By the way ...
Just in case ...
NO Record/Entry, in a particular GEDCOM File, can be "Edited"/"Deleted".
The ONLY "Option", is to "Delete" (ie. "Remove"), the ENTIRE, particular GEDCOM File.
[ and, replace such, with an "Updated" GEDCOM File, if one so desires ... ]
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
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Can no longer use this site. Was so easy before , even though it was sometimes difficult to sort thru even when some filters were applied. Why, oh, why, do you 'fix' something not broken? My suggestion? Put someone on the team over 70 years of age. Trying to use is terrible.
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Firstly, I would like to thank Familysearch for allowing me access to their excellent resources for over twenty years.
Unfortunately, I am now struggling to find a comparable site since changes have rendered the facility utterly useless.
I cannot understand why the site has been changed in such a radical fashion, or see any positive features in this latest website. Previously a researcher could choose a location and a specific resource to suit their requirements. Now you only seem to be able to input a name ,a place and a few other details and have no control over the data to be searched. The results do not even appear to bear any relationship to the data input. If I am searching for information from a specific UK census I do not need to be shown countless irrelevant results from around the world.
Familysearch was a user friendly source for family researchers, now it is a complete waste of time.
PLEASE FIX IT because , as a result of recent 'improvements' it is now, well and truly broken!
I do hope that you can pass this feedback on to the appropriate department, I am sure that this will not be an isolated observation of disappointment.
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Something Went Wrong
Unfortunately, something went wrong, and we are unable to display the search results. Try refreshing the page, or come back later.
This is the message that I receive most frequently when trying to access this new site. It appears before I have a chance to enter my search criteria.
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I am not trying to downplay the difficulties that have arisen for users following the change of interface. However, I make the same plea every time I read similar comments to yours: please provide a specific example of the object of your search (e.g. a John Coleman in Lancashire in the 1851 England census) and allow other users the opportunity to offer advice on ways in which you might improve your method of finding more specific, relevant results.
For example, if you filter on a particular collection (e.g. the 1851 England & Wales Census collection) you will not be presented with the many unwanted results you might otherwise receive. Filtering on "Type" or "Collection" is a really important part of the Search function, so you should not search for a record of an individual using only their name, a location and a date range.
I continue to dislike the revised Search interface (in my experience, definitely no improvement on what it replaced), but have certainly not encountered anywhere near the amount of problems that other users are (still) finding.
So, please, would you and other users kindly provide a URL will illustrate your search inputs. I, or other users, might not be able to get any better results than you, but at least the problem can be better understood by the engineers, who would claim the "new Search" to be an excellent enhancement.