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I submitted a request for permission to make a reservation to reserve the name of my aunt Martha Severena Kniazynsky. I received an answer from Family Search
that there is a living close relative for her. As far as I know I am the only living relative to my aunt Martha. Her parents, her husband, her son and her only sister are all dead. As her niece I'm her only relative. Who else might there be? Can you help me find out?
Hello @mariamarthavoge1
The best thing to do is to reply to the email that you received. Name each of Martha's close relatives and confirm that they are deceased.
A close relative is a spouse, a child, a sibling and parents.
There is probably another sibling listed for Martha who is showing on Family Tree as living. Because that person is living you are unable to see the record.
best wishes
Community responder (not FamilySearch):
mentions twin sister Oksana. This could be attached as a source document. It appears that Oksana is really your mother Xenia Kniazynsky Kozbur? It may be that someone has added Oksana? If this is the case perhaps Oksana is listed as living?
I don't know if this is the case - since living persons are not visible - but because of the difference in name - maybe that is the confusion? Perhaps explain the difference in name to FamilySearch.
I hope this helps.