Problem with sharing ordinances that I have reserved and are in my list of My Reservations.
I click on the Temple link then My Reservations Link.
I can see the names and ordinances of those that I have reserved.
I click on one or more boxes to the left of a name (a check mark appears) as well as the PRINT Icon.
However, the SHARE link (to the right of the PRINT icon) is grayed out and won't let me share the ordinance/s with Temple or others.
What is wrong?
In the Ordinances column, all the ordinance icons are Blue meaning they are reserved. I assume that is because I have reserved them.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
Short Answer: There is No Problem - the "System" is doing as 'Designed".
Please let me explain.
Just so that you are aware ...
That "Ordinance" of "Sealing to Spouse", was "Reserved", by ANOTHER User/Patron (who is a Member of the Church); and, who then "Shared" that "Ordinance" with the "Temple" System.
Along with the OTHER "Temple" Work, you obviously, have SUBSEQUENTLY, "Reserved", that "Ordinance" of "Sealing to Spouse", that was "Share[d] with the Temple System".
As, that "Ordinance" of "Sealing to Spouse", was "Reserved", by ANOTHER User/Patron; and, "Share[d] with the Temple System"; but, unfortunately, the "Ordinances" that were previously "Share[d] with the Temple System" CANNOT be "Shared" AGAIN.
It is a matter of completing the OTHER "Temple" Work; and, then, "Un-Reserving" that particular "Ordinance"; or, simply, waiting until your "Reservation" EXPIRES.
But ...
That Said ...
Due to, the "COVID19 Pandemic"; and, "Temples" NOT operating on "Phase 4" (FULL Operations), that particular "Reservation", will continue to be EXTENDED, until "Temples" ARE operating on "Phase 4" (FULL Operations). You could "Request" that particular "Reservation", be "Released" by 'FamilySearch', if you so desire.
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I unshare family names with the temple?
Where is states, among other things:
You can usually unshare an ordinance that has been shared with the temple. Here are two exceptions:
- The temple has printed the name card. Once that happens, the ordinance can't be unshared.
- Someone else reserved the ordinance while it was being shared. This is a secondary reservation that expires in 90 days. If the secondary reservation expires, and the ordinance is still available, you will have the opportunity to unshare it.
I hope this helps.