Providing "Specific feedback"- do FamilySearch users find it worthwhile?

There has been a mixed reaction to the advice given (generally by moderators) that submitting an issue by using "Feedback - Specific Feedback" is a good way of getting your comments directly to the engineers, or others in the position to take any necessary / remedial action. Some users are saying it definitely has worked for them, whilst others claim they are getting a "copy / paste" type response from a volunteer who appears to have no specific knowledge of the issue and even advises to post the issue here in Community!
I thought I'd post this item in a hope users might report here both positive and negative experiences (hopefully, more the former) of using the "Specific feedback" option when trying to report a specific issue directly from the page in question (in a hope it would go straight to the "right person").
Hi Paul, your comment about getting directly to our engineers and using the 'specific feedback' to see if it helps. I asked our IT person who suggested you head your request with a 'subject' title. This should direct your request to the right person. Hope this helps.
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Thank you for giving this matter your attention. But, I do not want this to go to the "right person", only that it should be read and commented on by "ordinary members" of Community, from their personal experiences of reporting matters via this facility (i.e. through "Specific feedback" on FamilySearch pages).