Flashing reminder

I have been getting a flashing reminder to the effect that "have exceeded the ..." The message does not stay on the screen long enough for me to read the entire message, so I don't actually know whether I should worry about it or not. It does not seem to affect my indexing, which I have been doing for years. Any thoughts?
Best Answer
OK, "Indexing" ...
[ Out of my purview ... ]
A such ...
I will 'Mention' (ie. include, in your post), a User/Patron, who has been helping/assisting, in/with "Indexing", for many years - maybe they can advise.
Attention: @Melissa S Himes
As an aside ...
Just for future reference, for matters/questions relating to "Indexing", now that the 'Group', in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, of "Indexing Chat", was unfortunately closed down, the place to post matters/questions relating to "Indexing" is:
"Q and A" Section
'Category' = Indexing
Home > Help Center Categories > Indexing
I hope this helps, somewhat.
@P Livingston
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Does this occurring ONLY during "Indexing"?
Or, does this occur, if you are "Downloading" a number of "Images" from 'FamilySearch'
[ ie. While Searching/Researching, rather than "Indexing ... ]
Please advise.
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Hello Brett,
This occurs when I am searching for a batch. To clarify, I have no other batches checked out.
Thank you.
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Thank you Brett.
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I am seeing it too and can't read it. It seems to have started since they updated indexing to show you how many batches you have checked out (3/10) and also the limits on how many batches of a project may be downloaded at the same time. (Checkout Limit: 4) as an example.
I wouldn't worry about the pop-up. I think it is some remnant of this new programming that they need to fix.